Page 18 - Oct19
P. 18

Salute One Another                    Elder Robert Willis (dec)

        Romans  16:16  “Salute  one  another  with  an  holy  kiss.  The
        churches of Christ salute you.”

        Used some 46 times in scripture, the word “Salute” means to “greet or give a saluta-
        tion to another.” The Apostle Paul used the word in verse 16 of Romans 16 in referring
        to how we are to greet one another in an honorable and godly way and with much

        respect. This was to be done at times by sharing a holy kiss. This kiss would not be on
        the lips as between a man and a wife, but rather on the cheek. There are still cultures
        in the world that practice this type of respectful greeting. There is nothing vulgar or

        sinful meant by this type of greeting. Even the churches were to “salute” those whom
        Paul was writing to in order for them to know they were being greeted with respect
        (this greeting was not a physical kiss on the cheek), but rather a decent honoring of
        those they were coming in contact with.

        Most churches I have visited over the years “Saluted” me when I arrived by a heart
        felt welcome. Words like “We are glad you are here” and “If you need anything while
        with us, just let us know” also including simple greetings like a handshake and “Good


        What a blessing to attend a church where we are greeted with an “holy kiss,” meaning
        an outpouring of godly love, kindness, and sincerity. There are churches where this is
        not the case and it is a shame on the cause of Christ. We have so much to rejoice about

        and should be willing to share our joy with those who come to visit. One of the worse
        things that could happen is to attend a church and NOBODY “Salutes” you while you
        are there. May God bless us all to greet our brothers and sisters as the Lord intends,

        with a “holy kiss” (godly greeting).
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