Page 17 - Oct19
P. 17

Do Nothing (continues)                                                   Elder Philip N. Conley

         In  rest,  waiting,  and  stillness,  we  are  not  invited  nor  encouraged  to  do  nothing.
         Rather, we are "taking a pause" from the rat race of life in all her courses to engage in
         something fruitful and profitable. Rest for our souls is found in standing in the ways

         to see and asking for the old paths. Waiting upon the Lord tends to renewed strength
         to continue on in this slalom. Being still, helps remind us of what is important and
         where our benefits truly come from. Take a pause friends. Contemplate on His good-
         ness and recall to mind His salvation. Breathe slowly and listen to the beats of your

         own heart and reflect that our times are in His hand. In Him we live, move, and have
         our being. When dark clouds come and temptations arise, center the mind on things
         of light, and the darkness will flee from it.

         Friends, we have the best thing in the world to rest in. We have the greatest strength
         to wait upon, and we have the highest thoughts to contemplate during stillness. I
         sometimes wonder how I would do if I had means. It's something I don't ponder often
         or for too long as I don't expect to ever live it. However, what would someone call you

         if you had means, money, and opportunity and yet lived like a pauper? Would they
         call you a miser? Scrooge? Covetous? We may not have silver and gold beloved, but
         what we have is the greatest treasure this side of heaven. We have the knowledge of
         eternal life, how we got it, and place to fervently worship Him because of it. When I

         put on the beggar's clothes of this world, I really am doing nothing: nothing of real
         value and consequence. When I feel sorry for myself or incessantly accuse myself, I
         am doing nothing that amounts to a whole lot in the end. However, when my rest,
         waiting, and stillness centers on His unshakeable character, His boundless love, and

         His steadfast promises, I feel like a rich babe making a withdrawal from an ocean of
         funds. As another poet said about our reaction to the glorious work He performed for
         us and to us, "Then give all the glory to His holy name, to Him all the glory belongs.
         Be yours the high joy to sound forth His great fame, and crown Him in each of your

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