Daddy Use to say:
“What to do?”
Folks will usually tell you what you should
do, but not what they will do.
People say they are sure how it ought to be
done, which may not be what they would do.
Everyone seems to know what to do, til you
ask them to do it.
How many people are there, who can help you
do it....Next week?
He knows what's in the darkness;
He knows the words yet said;
He sees a life before tis lived;
He sees the line yet read.
He sees the host of heaven;
Who all their voices raise;
In light and life and joy and bliss,
To sing His wondrous praise!
Spicy Crackers from Granny's Recipes

Old Baptist Favorite
“Favorite PB Recipes we have
borrowed, to share with you.”
Here is
what you need:
4 stacks regular saltine crackers
1½ cup Canola oil
2 Tbsp. Crushed red pepper
2 Tbsp. Garlic Powder
1 tsp Cayenne Pepper
1 large powdered Ranch dressing mix
½ tsp. Black Pepper
Here is how to
do it:
Mix all
ingredients in bowl. Put crackers in a large
container or bag. Pour oil mixture on
crackers, close container and shake or
tumble until all crackers are coated. Store
in large container(s) with a tight lid.
with soups, chili or add a little spice to
your salads or other foods, like Italian, or
Context herein is very intriguing, as it proves more
than just “words.” Notice the dialogue between
these characters, proves the TIMELY GOSPEL is the
story just reflecting, and not the CAUSE of Eternal
Salvation. Jesus was certainly already the Christ,
the Savour, the Redeemer, the Son of God in human
attire. Following Jesus is the RESULTS of Eternal
and NOT the “Cause.” Study this context as you read
these verses. Again, this CONTEXT is the key to
this “timely gospel” lesson. So the thread is not
what is being declared but what is being reflected,
that of FELLOWSHIP as in Acts 2:42 follows the
John 1:43---51 Points
to Ponder
By Elder Hulan F. Bass
Wednesday, December 7th, 2009
under clear skies, wind from the west at 12 mph, with
the temperature at 55 degrees.

George Walker (dec)
"Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven,
whose sin is covered. Blessed is the man to whom the Lord
inputeth not iniquity, and whose spirit there is no guile."
(Psalms 32:1-2)
Here we find in these two verses where David uses three
words to describe sin. He says; First the word
transgression, second the word is in sin, and the third word
is iniquity. Yet we find that each of these words carries a
little different thought than the other. The transgression
is forgiven, the sin is covered, but the iniquity is not
imputed or charged to our account. It seems that the word
Iniquity carries the thought of moral perversity, or that
Adam nature that we inherited in the transgression of Adam.
So when we look at what was accomplished in Christ, we find
that our transgressions or our revolt against God is
forgiven, the sin is covered by the blood of Christ, and our
iniquity was not charged to our account, but were imputed or
charged to the Lord`s account. In other words, through the
cross of Christ, we have been forgiven, we have had our sins
covered and our iniquity charged to Christ.
Brother George |
The teaching and learning in the ENGLISH LANGUAGE
referring to PRESENT TENSE words will be clearly
stated with a “TH” at the end of the base verb.
So notice the “TH” on the end of the word BELIEVETH
in several different King James Translation books,
chapters, verses, etc.
Example: John 3:16 references the word
“believeth.” Read many of Jesus’ Sermons listed in
the New Testament of Matthew, Mark, Luke, John and
especially Romans 10:4, 10 as Paul speaks.
This simply means “ALREADY BORN AGAIN.”