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Fish, Feed, Follow Brother David Green
This last chapter of John’s Gospel is a wonderful short story within
itself. The apostles had not yet been vested with authority and special
gifts to embark upon the Great Commission they were to receive
(Matt. 28:18-20; Mark 16:15). Christ having been crucified and risen
was no longer in their daily presence. The first three verses tell us that
seven disciples including Peter had gathered at the sea of Tiberius. Having no other
direction, Peter says, “I go a fishing” and they all busy themselves and ship out to sea
to fish. Such is the case with every Christian. There will always be occasions when
the saint is devoid of purpose, waiting on the Lord for direction, help and healing. But
there is never a moment they cannot be in prayer, study, thinking on good things, fel-
lowshipping with other saints, or even simply working with their hands. These are
actually divine means which help the soul from becoming completely discouraged
and cast down while waiting upon the Lord (Psa. 42:6,11; Jonah 2:7; Phil. 4:6-8; Mal.
In verses 3-9, the disciples fish all night without success. When morning comes,
Christ appears on the shore and instructs them to cast their net on the right side of the
boat to which they comply and net a great multitude of fish. The manner and extent
of their sudden success causes John to realize it is the Lord who spoke to them and
tells Peter who immediately jumps into the sea to go to Christ while the others bring
the boat dragging the net full of fish to the shore. Upon arriving, they find Jesus has
prepared a fire and a fish and bread for them to eat. Observe the picture of this pas-
sage: Christ at the beginning of His ministry had personally called these men to drop
immediately their employment in this world and follow Him; to leave their homes
behind and be at their Savior’s side for the duration of His ministry; listening to His
voice day and night; seeing the miracles; experiencing hardships on one hand and glo-
rious interaction with the Father on the other; receiving constant instruction from the
Master teacher; hearing the most compelling, soul striking, heaven wrought sermons
ever to be delivered; entering in prayer with the Son of God…and then in a moment
all of this is taken away. Indeed, how empty was the sea into which they cast their net
that night. What a great void in their hearts; in their daily lives. “I go a fishing” says
Peter. What else but to return to his former work. But, as the night draws toward an
end, behold, the Bright and Morning Star arises on their shore. Their Savior, our
Savior, for the great and swelling love wherewith He loves His people is flawlessly
faithful to the detail to supply their every need. Every time. At the right time. Even
when they are lost, confused and without direction. Yea, especially then. Many are the
afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers them out of them all (Ps. 34:17-19).