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Thoughts on Amos 4:11               Elder Philip N. Conley

        Amos  4:11,  "I  have  overthrown  some  of  you,  as  God  overthrew
        Sodom and Gomorrah, and ye were as a firebrand plucked out of the

        burning: yet have ye not returned unto me, saith the LORD."

        This morning, professing Christians ignore two important Scriptural tenets: salvation
        by grace alone and the importance of organized, public, and truth-centered worship.
        Of course, without being grounded in the first, we cannot hope to worship God in a

        truth-centered way, thereby failing the second. However, before attempting to look at
        both of these concepts from our study verse above, consider another often over-
        looked or ignored principle from Scripture: a man is known by the company he
        keeps. (I Corinthians 5:11) Too many times, people today are blinded by the prideful
        mindset, "It doesn't matter who I hang around. I'll be a good influence on them, not

        vice versa." Like the old analogy of a rotten apple spoiling the barrel, so our associa-
        tions and close fellowships can ruin us if we associate with "rotten apples." There-
        fore, let us examine the concepts of salvation by grace and truth-centered worship

        from the viewpoint of our company and fellowship.

        The book of Amos is quite a sorrowful book, as the Lord takes a simple herdsman -
        Amos - to prophecy Israel's impending captivity. Some of the prophecies are quite
        severe, such as a famine of God's word without the interaction of fellowship with

        Him. (Amos 8:11-14) However, even in books that freely speak of God's judgment
        against His people (such as Amos or Jeremiah), we still see - as light peeking through
        the dark canvas - thoughts that show God's overarching love for His people regard-

        less of their circumstance. (Jeremiah 31:3) In our verse, Amos employs a term "fire-
        brand plucked out of the burning" to describe God's mercy for His people even in the
        midst of previous chastisements. (Verses 7-10)

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