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Experts About Providence   (continued)                                           Elder Mark Green

        God acts providentially in both miraculous and non-miraculous ways. When the ax

        head flew off the handle of one of the sons of the prophets in Elisha's day, it fell to the
        bottom of the stream. This is what would have happened in the ordinary course of
        events, according to the previously established law of gravity. When Elijah caused it
        to float, that was a miraculous intervention into the ordinary course of events that

        caused something extraordinary to happen. Let us take another example: had Joseph's
        brothers killed him as they had intended, that is what would have happened had not
        God intervened. Through God's providence, however, Joseph's life was spared, and
        he was carried to Egypt, where he became the deliverer of the land through his admin-

        istrative ability and wisdom; but nothing contrary to nature occurred in that sequence
        of events. This is an example of a non-miraculous intervention by God into the affairs
        of men. In both examples the outcome was changed from what it would have been;
        both are examples of God's providence; but in one the laws of nature were suspended,

        and in the other they were not.

        When a miracle happens, it is obvious that God has intervened in the affairs of men.
        However, when God intervenes non-miraculously, we may or may not know it. In

        Biblical times, God sometimes told men that He had acted, but today we are left with-
        out such a divine explanation. A man is a fool who sees all the recklessness and negli-
        gence that occurs upon the highways of this country and does not believe that God
        intervenes to protect his people. How many times each and every day are we pro-

        tected by an unseen Hand from our own and other men's folly, not to mention from
        the might of Nature? You may not believe that God has turned storms to protect his
        people, but I certainly do. I did not get a letter from heaven telling me that He did it,
        but I believe it nonetheless, knowing some little bit of the mercy and power of God in

        my own life.

        It is amazing how easy it is for people to become "experts" about God's providence.
        They are able to tell us just how God has worked — or has not worked — in the

        affairs of men. Some seem to think that God cannot overrule evil so as to bring good
        from it without their knowledge of it. He did it frequently in the Old Testament, but
        suddenly He does not seem to be doing it today. They seem to have comprehended the
        workings of divine providence so well that they are able to say with remarkable confi-

        dence that "God did not do that" when some cataclysmic event happens. Nahum said
        that "the Lord hath his way in the whirlwind and in the storm," but evidently things
        have changed since those days, for according to them, He never uses the forces of
        nature as judgment upon men today. Moreover, according to them, God seldom if

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