Elder T. S.
Dalton |
The article below is from the book “A
Treatise On Salvation” By Elder T.S. Dalton. The book has
preserved many of the points of his debate with Elder T.R.
Burnett, Disciple or Church of Christ: which took place in
1886 and was published in 1897, by The Gospel Advocate
Publishing Company. The book here, “A Treatise On Salvation”
was published after Elder Dalton’s death (Elder Dalton went
to be with his Lord in 1931).
The thoughts set forth in this writing were published by
“The Baptist Bible Hour Publications” of Cincinnati, Ohio,
sometime in the 1950's or 60's (Estimated, as the
publication is not dated), and are rarely available in book
form today.
These articles were written in a time, when there were
sundry discussions and debates between the Primitive
Baptists and those who advocated for “Universal Atonement
and a Conditional Salvation.”
“Eternal Salvation is Unconditional Because:”
First and Second Premises By Elder T.S. Dalton
First Premise:
Our next proposition is that “salvation is
unconditional” because it is by grace, in proof of
which we will call your attention to Acts 15:1
"And certain men which came down from Judea taught
the brethren, and said, Except ye be circumcised
after the manner of Moses, ye cannot be saved."
That is to say, they taught a conditional system of
salvation—that sinners could not be saved unless
they did something, and the brethren not having been
accustomed to hearing that kind of doctrine, at once
began to dispute with them, and they at once
determined that Paul and Barnabas and certain others
of the brethren should go up to Jerusalem to the
apostles and elders about this question; and when
they arrived at Jerusalem and began their
consultation about this new theory, there arose one
of the sect of the Pharisees (that is, one of those
conditional preachers), who by this time had added
one more condition to his theory; he said, "It is
needful that we should circumcise them, and command
them to keep the law of Moses or they cannot be
saved." At first they only wanted to circumcise
them, but now they want to bind upon them the burden
of keeping the law of Moses also.
But Peter rose up and wanted to know why they were
going to bind a yoke upon the neck of the disciples
that neither they (the disciples) nor their fathers
(the prophets) were able to bear. "But we believe
that through the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ we
shall be saved, even as they." And we are glad to
say that we believe just what the apostles here set
forth in this article of their faith, that by the
grace of our Lord Jesus Christ poor sinners are
saved yet, and not by the performance of stipulated
conditions, as is taught by our Arminian judaizing
teachers of today. Again, Paul said, Titus 2:11:
"For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath
appeared to all men." Not the grace of God that
brought an offer of salvation, but brought
salvation. From this text we learn what it is that
brings salvation to men. Now we have only to learn
what brought grace, and the mystery is solved. John
says, "The law came by Moses, but grace and truth
came by Jesus Christ." Now we have it; Jesus
Christ brought grace, and grace brought salvation;
therefore the sinner's works had nothing to do with
it. Paul says again: "By grace are ye saved."
And many other passages we might quote in support of
this proposition, but space forbids at this time.
Let it be distinctly understood that upon grace and
grace only, rests our hope of life and salvation
beyond this vale of tears, and we hope through the
grace of our Lord Jesus Christ to be permitted to
praise Him in that world of bliss and glory, and
there among the redeemed throng to join in that
sweet chorus which angels cannot sing, which is,
"Worthy is the Lamb that hath redeemed us."
Second Premise:
Our next proposition is, "Salvation is unconditional”
because Christ redeemed the sinner from all
iniquity, and this redemption is eternal." In proof
of this, please read Titus 2 :14: "Who gave
himself for us, that he might redeem us from all us
from all iniquity," how much is there left for
us, that we must perform conditions in order to be
relieved of such? And again, if Christ has redeemed
us from all iniquity, and any of us are lost, what
is it that condemns us ? It cannot be iniquity, for
we are redeemed from all of that; hence, if one of
those for whom Christ died goes to hell, he must go
there without iniquity, for he is redeemed from
that. Again, Gal. 3:13: "Christ hath redeemed us
from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree." Now we have the sinner
redeemed from all iniquity and from under the curse
of the law. Now the question arises, what more does
the sinner need to prepare him for heaven and
immortal glory? Surely, people redeemed from all
iniquity and from the curse of the law never can be
sent to torment. Again: 1st Peter 1:18,19:
"Forasmuch as ye know that ye were not redeemed with
corruptible things, as silver and gold, from your
vain conversation received by tradition from your
fathers; but with the precious blood of Christ, as
of a lamb without blemish and without spot,"
Now, let us notice what we
have: Sinners redeemed from all iniquity, from the curse of
the law, and also from the vain conversation received by
tradition from their fathers, and yet lost to all eternity
because they would not perform certain conditions! Surely no
sensible man could believe such an idea. "0, well," says the
Arminian, "if the sinner fails to perform certain prescribed
conditions, his redemption will have an end, and Jesus will
withdraw his redemption and send him to hell, because he
would not accept the terms and do the work." Now, that would
sound very well if the Bible did not contradict the idea,
but Paul in Hebrews, 9:12, says: "Neither by the blood of
goats and calves, but by his own blood he entered in once
into the holy place, having obtained eternal redemption for
us." Now let us sum up. We have sinners eternally
redeemed from all iniquity, eternally redeemed from under
the curse of the law, eternally redeemed from the vain
conversation received by the tradition from their fathers,
and at the same time eternally damned! Now, we ask, in all
candor, can any sensible person believe such doctrine? How
anybody on earth can believe that a sinner redeemed
eternally from all the above named evils is not yet saved
because he will not perform conditions, we must confess that
we are unable to divine, and we are confident that no other
man on earth can explain.
Next: The Third Premise: