Series on Fundamental Faith 



As noted previously, this is a series of articles based on the "Articles of Faith" held by the Primitive Baptist churches. These Articles of Faith may vary in their wording from one section of the country to another, but in essence are the same as those proclaimed in the London (England) Confession of Faith in 1644 and the Philadelphia (USA) Confession of Faith, September 25, 1742. These are the items that our forefathers in the faith felt were essential in the belief of the local church. It was never intended that these Articles of Faith should replace the Scriptures, or be considered as superior to the Scriptures. Rather they are an attempt to make a simple statement of the principle doctrines found in the pages of the Bible.

In listing the reason we believe the Bible to be God's inspired word, I have drawn on external evidence to supplement the claims of the Scripture writers themselves. Having proved that the Bible is God's inspired word and the only rule for faith and practice, I have sought no other source to support the remaining articles other than the Bible. What Primitive Baptists believe and practice is based on the Bible. 


            The following is used by permission of: “The Primitive Baptist, The Christian Pathway – Gospel Appeal.”




Established July, 1966

An Earnest Appeal to a

Closer Observance of Gospel Truth

Vol. XLI No. 1 Craigsville, WV July 2006



By Elder Robert “Bob” Glenn Dickerson, Jr.

10-5-1930 to 1-12-14




“For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one" (I John 5:7).

The Bible does not attempt to prove that there is a God but begins with this statement of fact: "In the beginning, God..." (Gen. 1:1). The Bible does abundantly declare that there is only one God (Deut. 6:4) and that this God is a living God (Jer. 10:10). See also Isaiah 43:10, 11; 44:6; I Cor. 8:5, 6.

While there is but one God, yet He manifests Himself in three persons, each of whom is a partner in our salvation: The Father (Eph. 1:3, 4), The Son (John 17:2), and the Spirit (John 6:63). These three have one essence (John 17:21) and agree in one (I John 5:7). They are co-equal (John 10:30); co-eternal (John 1:1-2; Heb. 9:14); and co-existent (Matt. 3:16-17). See also Genesis 1:26; Matthew 28:19; II Cor. 13:14. We cannot explain the trinity to the satisfaction of the natural mind, but must accept it to be as God declares it. It is well to understand that there is no point in time where God the Father or God the Son or God the Spirit had their beginning; the "three in one"  is the eternal nature of God.

We may undertake to examine also, under this article of faith, the nature of God, as a knowledge of the true being of God is necessary to an understanding of His work in salvation and of the other dealings of God with His creation. Let us note that all of the attributes of God, all of those characteristics which bespeak of His nature, are equally true of all three persons in the God-Head.

The Bible often uses one word to speak of God — for example, "God is light," "God is love," "a consuming fire," "a spirit," and a personality — the eternal "I am." But there is no one word which can completely describe God; no one word which can completely describe the fullness of His nature. God is love; but God is not love alone. These expressions only give us an insight into the various aspects of the nature of God. Jesus Christ was the Word (John 1:1) who by His life in the flesh did demonstrate to us the true nature of God.

The Bible declares that God is wise, eternal, immortal, invisible, good, faithful, incomprehensible, immutable (unchangeable), sufficient in Himself, infinite (not limited by time or space). (I Tim. 1:17; Psa. 119:68; I Cor. 10:13; Psa. 139:1-6; James 1:17; Mal. 3:6; John 5:26; Eph. 4:6; Psa. 139:8). We must realize that when the Bible speaks of any of the attributes of God, it declares that He is that in perfection. God is not just wise — but all wise; not just good — but all good.

The Bible expressly declares the nature of God to be a nature of supreme righteousness and holiness. He is pure (I John 3:3), holy (Psa. 99:9), righteous (Psa. 145:17), just (Isa. 45:21) and thus perfect (Matt. 5:48). His nature is the very opposite of our sinful nature and He does therefore hate all sin (Ex. 34:7; Nahum 1:2-3; Psa. 5:5). But the Bible also declares Him to be a God of love (I John 4:8), mercy (Ex. 34:6, 7) and kindness (Titus 3:4); that is, a God of grace (John 1:17). Thus it is on Calvary's cross that we see the righteousness and mercy of God combined (Psa. 85:10).

God is OMNIPOTENT (all-powerful). Rev. 19:6; Matt. 28:18; I Tim. 6:15; Gen. 18:14. He is the Creator, Provider and Sustainer of all things (Rom. 11:36). He exercises His power in a Sovereign manner — that is to say, that God does as He pleases and is not bound by the actions or reactions of men. Psa. 115:3; Dan. 4:34, 35; Isa. 46:9-11. He does not need the help or permission of man to carry out His will. God is also OMNISCIENT (knows all things, past, present, and future). Acts 15:18; Heb. 4:13; Psa. 147:5. God is also OMNIPRESENT (everywhere present and nowhere absent). Psa. 139:7; I Kings 8:27.

Thus we believe there is only one God, and yet we know that God in three persons, Father, Son and Holy Ghost. All of the attributes and identities of the nature of God that we have listed are equally true of all three persons in the God-Head. Is it any wonder that all glory and praise belongs to our true and living God?