Another Gospel

From The Primitive Baptist Aug-Sep 2020

Elder Mark Green


Galatians 1:6-7 “I marvel that you are so soon removed. From him that called you into the grace of Christ, unto another gospel: Which is not another; but there be some that would trouble you, and would pervert the gospel: Which is not another; but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ.”

Brother Paul here claims total exclusivity for the Gospel. Dash the gospel that he had preached to the Galatian churches. He maintained that this gospel was not taught to him by men, but had been revealed to him. Directly to heaven. One of the main things arouses the ire of our religious opponents is to claim to exclusivity. It is not the fact that we claim to be a true religion, but that we claim to be the true religion that inflames. Their passions against us. If there is another gospel, then there might also be a third and 4th, and so on. If a religion may be legitimately duplicated, with various alterations, on every hand, then it becomes currently obvious that there can be no logical claim of truth by that religion, since one fact. will do as well as another for them.


The apostle Jude contended for the faith which was once delivered unto the Saints. If it was once delivered, then it is manifest that Amendments were not delivered later on. If there is one gospel, and that gospel was once delivered, then it must be the case that there cannot be any other true gospel. Therefore anything that comes along which differs from Paul's gospel must be a false gospel, and therefore not a gospel.

Paul told Titus that God cannot lie; He is incapable of falsehood. That very fact alone establishes exclusivity for the Gospel. If it is from God, then it must be true. If it is true, then anything that differs from it must be false. If the gospel, (the Bible) admits the possibility of falsehood, then it is no better than the writings of any wise, but infallible, human being. If it makes no claim to inerrancy, then why should we base our religion upon it?