Tuesday, May the 5th, 2009 under partly cloudy skies, wind from the south east at thirteen mph, with the temperature at sixty-six degrees.


"And they continued steadfastly in the apostles doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking bread, and in prayers.
"(Acts 2:42)

The ones that were pricked in the heart, the ones that received the word, the ones who continued steadfastly in the apostles doctrine and fellowship who repented and were baptized, and that had received the gift of the Holy Ghost continued steadfastly in the apostles doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking bread, and in prayers. It seems as if we are living in a time that self seems to be most important thing in our lives. Self and our families activities seem to take the front seat. By the time we take care of that, there is little time to devote any time to the church, to its members, to the fellowship of the saints and much prayer for the church. The early church continued steadfastly in the apostles doctrine and fellowship. Our activities, our children's activities, our grandchildren' s activities should have its priorities in order.

What should come first in our lives, what should we teach our children and grandchildren? God first, church second and in this order. If followed we will be teaching our children what is healthy and how to have a happy family. Any time that we put any activity of the world in front we are straying from the teaching of this verse and showing that we love something better than Christ and his church.

If we put Christ first there will always be time for us to spend some precious time with our children's activities.



Baked Pepperoni Pizza


Old Baptist Favorite Recipes

“Favorite PB Recipes we have

 borrowed, to share with you.”



Ingredients: Here is what you need:

1 Can large, (16.3 oz) biscuits (8 count)
1 8 oz can pizza sauce
2 c. finely shredded mozzarella cheese
16 slices 1 ½ in. pepperoni


Here is How you Do it:

Heat oven to 375º, and spray 13”x 9” (3 qt) baking dish with cooking spray.
Separate dough into 8 biscuits and cut each biscuit into 8 pieces.
In a large bowl, toss biscuit pieces, pizza sauce and 1 cup of the cheese
Spread mixture evenly in prepared baking dish. Top with pepperoni and remaining 1 cup cheese.
Bake 20 to 25 minutes or until biscuits are golden brown



• Son, you should always remember, to stand for what is right, or you will fall for anything!

• Because son, if you fall for anything, it might be harder to get up and stand for something.

• Son when you are standing up, you have choices; but when you are sitting, you can see what a defensive position looks like.

Points to Ponder

Elder Hulan Bass

God cannot DIE, DENY, LIE, as in fleeing for the City of Refuge, the 7th City; where Jesus lives as in Heb.6:17---20 and wherein Jesus lives immutably under Oath. While on earth, He lives in the City of Refuge, as not only our Prophet and King, but TIMELY as our HIGH PRIEST!  

Here are the blessings, and clear and TIMELY objectives of Jesus Christ, as we are instructed  to “lay hold” upon this HOPE which is NOW set before us, as AN ANCHOR of the soul; even right now. Jesus IS the “forerunner of Hope” and an Anchor  – 1st Cor. 15:23.

1Co 15:23 But every man in his own order: Christ the firstfruits; afterward they that are Christ's at his coming.

Biblically speaking: “If I am the seed after the generation of my father naturally, then how shall I question our kinship?”

If I am the recipient of heirship by birth through my father, how can I claim by any means, to be an heir because I chose to be?

Heirship is the result of kinship; and kinship is the result of my Father's choice, over which I had no influence at all.