Melody In Our Hearts |
John (Pat) Young |
Ephesians 5:17-21, “Wherefore be ye not unwise, but
understanding what the will of the Lord is. And be not drunk
with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit;
Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual
songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord;
Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father
in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ; Submitting yourselves
one to another in the fear of God.”
First it
must be understood, how this epistle of Paul, is first to
the Ephesian Church, but also to the faithful in Christ
Jesus, and is therefore not limited to the Ephesian Church,
but also is addressed to the saints of God in all times and
places, who call upon Him by His Son Jesus Christ through
His Spirit; hoping to receive every word of this Epistle, as
equal recipients with the Ephesian Church, an Epistle to all
the faithful in Christ Jesus everywhere, who walk together
as the Church of Christ in this same truth: A thorough
instruction of the fundamental and essential doctrines of
Christ to all His saints who are found worshiping Him in
truth. Here Paul expresses the doctrines of the
foreknowledge of God in the election of His people in
Christ, having predestinated them unto the adoption of
children by Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good
pleasure of His will, making them as such who are accepted
in Him, as joint heirs having obtained a precious
inheritance by the redemption, and forgiveness of sins
through His blood, according to the great riches of Eternal
then speaks of the effectual calling of His elect by the
Spirit of God, according to the riches of of eternal
salvation by His grace, teaching how the elect were all
reconciled to God by the death of His Son; how through Him
we all have access by the Spirit unto the Father. Paul
further teaches us how we are no longer strangers and
foreigners in the earth, tossed about by every wind of
doctrine, but are blessed of the Lord, and are builded
together, an habitation of God through the Spirit.
It is of
this same Spirit, and by this same truth the apostle Paul is
teaching us, that saints are led of God by His Spirit into a
life and liberty in the gospel of Christ through these
truths; as ,how we ought by that same Spirit to believe,
walk, live and worship our Lord and Saviour according to
this, and all truths which He has given us!
As we
now look to a summary of the passage above, let us first
understand, “there is a cause,” which begins our subject, as
indicated by the word “wherefore, or for that cause.”
Wherefore, having awakened from our inattentive sleep, and
being given light through the Spirit of grace, let us stand
in the truth of the gospel, trusting the Spirit in us, and
the presence of our Lord with us
though we may live in the midst of a perverse world, we must
be wise in the understanding of the truth of our Lord and
seeking His will; not foolishly partaking of the excesses of
the world, but walking in the fullness of His Spirit, and
going as He leads us in the way; “Speaking to ourselves in
psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making
melody in our hearts to the Lord.” Making our desire to live
these lives (natural and spiritual) God has blessed us with,
in a way that our walk might be found giving praise and
seeking peace with God.
When we
walk in the way of the Lord, hearing and repeating to
ourselves the precious truths of His Holy Word, and singing
the sweet songs of Zion in our hearts as we go, and seeking
to be happy in the Lord; we will find there, in that
precious time we have redeemed to the Lord, and in that
sacred place, where we are refreshed by the Spirit of God to
feel His presence, and receive such words in our hearts, as
petitions which only God can hear.
In a
previous writing, we spoke of an old sister, who could no
longer sing, and could barely hear the preaching. She was
faithful to attend church when she was able, and always
rejoiced in the spiritual blessings she received through her
efforts, saying: “I just hear the singing, and sing along in
my heart, and rejoice in all of the gospel I can hear. I
have always felt blessed to be with the Lord's people!”
testimony shows us how we are never alone in serving the
Lord among His people. His Spirit is with us, yea in us,
inspiring us to make melody in our hearts and minds, and to
praise our God, as we go, even when we do not have a strong
voice to sing or ears to hear. Let pray in our hearts and
minds, all the words He has given us, through His Spirit, to
lift up an inward praise, giving all glory and honor to our
great God who always hears, and receives every word, in
Jesus Name.