Examine Yourself |
Mark Green |
Corinthians 13:5 “Examine yourselves, whether ye be in
the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your own
selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be
In these troubled times today (which differ little from many
other times in the history of this sinful world in which we
live), I have had many an occasion when I need to stop and
do a self-examination, to be sure I am not allowing my
thoughts of what is transpiring in the world, to contaminate
my thoughts of what is good and right before my Lord;
because those good thoughts are what is, “in the faith;” and
everything else is of the hearts and minds of men, of which
some may be profitable, but much may be unprofitable.
It is always beneficial and more profitable for the child of
God to continually examine themselves as to their thoughts,
words, walk and deeds, to see whether there are the things
manifested within, which would testify of Christ in their
lives, and whether they be in the faith. We know, that
perfection is beyond our reach in the flesh; but we have a
spiritual witness in us as children of God, which is a
creature created by the Spirit of God, and is able to stand
as a witness of the faith of God and the hope it teaches us,
even though it is subject to the vanity of our natural
thoughts and minds. Rom. 8:20
Looking at the word “examine” here, we see a variety of
things we might use to reconcile our self-examination, and
see “whether we be in the faith.” The Greek word for
“examine” here is Peirazo or “pi-rad-zo.”
Some of the terms used here in the definition of the word
“examine” are: To test, to scrutinize, to entice, to
discipline, to assay, to go about, to prove, to tempt, and
finally to try. This is not a passive exam looking only at
the things we are happy with, but an examination of our
every value, and action and hold them up against the pattern
given us by the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. We need to
search ourselves continually to see whether we “be in the
Faith” He once delivered to the saints. Jude v. 3
Now, the second of the two sentences in our text. The first
was for our instruction in righteousness, but the second is
a question to us, whether we know we are children and
disciples of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ: “Know ye
not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except
ye be reprobates?” Are we not abundantly blessed by our
Lord God; our Abba, Father, to know we have indeed a Spirit
within us which gives us thoughts of peace and love? Are we
not blessed additionally as children of God in the truth?
Not just to know the Lord, but to know about our Saviour;
and how we are able to know Him and the power of His
resurrection, in the truth of God's Holy Word (Which is His
Word and His Truth), that truth which is revealed to us by
the Spirit of God (1Cor. 2:10).
Is it not a blessing sometime hard for us to confess, that
God has blessed us with all spiritual blessings in Christ,
and we are able to know Him and worship Him in Spirit and in
truth: Can we not confess freely how we feel ourselves to be
the children of God, and of our Lord Jesus Christ, that we
know Him, and we know how unworthy we are: How our
examinations have shown us our many sins and imperfections,
and yet how greatly we have been blessed to know about
Jesus, and how we do know Him as our Lord and Saviour, by
the Holy Spirit of God; and how we can cry unto Him “Abba,
Father,” knowing our own selves to be the children of God,
with Christ in our hearts, and peace in our souls. |