The greatest advocates for
change, might be happier with
what they have, if they had
to give all they had to obtain it.
• Our mothers suffer to bring a life into the world.
• Our soldiers risk life and limb to keep us free.
• Our police officers risk all to keep us safe.
• Our firefighters risk all to save lives and
• Our Lord gave His life, and suffered more than
them all, to
purchase the greatest treasures we possess:
Eternal Life
The Holy Comforter
The freedom to pray
The right to plead our cause to the King
The resurrection to eternal glory
All priceless, but all bought with a price. How
great was the purchase, of these which were given us
so freely; and what power and love was on display.
Power which none can prevent nor limit, when our
great God stretches forth His hand to us; yet how
tender are His givings, and quiet His visits in the
morning, for when we know His love is there, we only
can rise in it with joy; as in thanksgiving for the
rains which fell from heaven while we yet lay in the
Arise ! Go forth! The light has come! Rejoice in
the Lord! |