The greatest advocates for

change, might be happier with

what they have, if they had

to give all they had to obtain it.







• Our mothers suffer to bring a life into the world.
• Our soldiers risk life and limb to keep us free.
• Our police officers risk all to keep us safe.
• Our firefighters risk all to save lives and property.
• Our Lord gave His life, and suffered more than them all, to

   purchase the greatest treasures we possess:

Eternal Life
The Holy Comforter
The freedom to pray
The right to plead our cause to the King
The resurrection to eternal glory

All priceless, but all bought with a price. How great was the purchase, of these which were given us so freely; and what power and love was on display. Power which none can prevent nor limit, when our great God stretches forth His hand to us; yet how tender are His givings, and quiet His visits in the morning, for when we know His love is there, we only can rise in it with joy; as in thanksgiving for the rains which fell from heaven while we yet lay in the darkness.

Arise ! Go forth! The light has come! Rejoice in the Lord!


Blueberry Buttermilk Pie

From Granny's Cookbook


 These items are what you will need:

1.    1 deep dish pie crust, unbaked (in alum. pan)
2.    1 cup of fresh (or thawed, frozen) blueberries
1/2 cup of sugar
4.    2 Tbs. Self-rising flour
5.    1 stick of melted butter
6.    3 eggs
1/2 cup buttermilk
8.    1 tsp vanilla

These are suggested things you need to do:

1.    Preheat oven to 350º
2.    Mix together butter and sugar
3.    Add flour, eggs, and buttermilk (mix well)
4.    Add vanilla.
5.    Place the pie crust on a cookie sheet
6.    Put blueberries into the crust and pour the filling mix evenly over them
7.    Place the pie on the center rack in the oven and

       bake at 350º for 15 minutes.


Then decrease the temperature to 300º and bake for 45 minutes.








Share your recipe

by sending to the editor.





Saturday, October the 1st, 2005 under cloudy skies, very windy with the temperature at 72.4 degrees.

Elder George Walker (dec)


 "For we are saved by hope: but hope that is seen is not hope: for what a man seeth, why doth he yet hope for?  But if we hope for that we see not, then do we with patience wait for it." (Romans 8:24-25)

Hope is a wonderful thing to have and without it there is nothing to look forward to. Hope is not a wish, hope is not a dream, but hope is an expectation of something better with the evidence and assurance of faith testifying of Christ in you the hope of glory.  This hope is not something that you can see with your natural eyes but through an eye faith see afar off into that world that has no end.  Our hope is based upon the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead which is our hope.  Brother George