Touched by an Angel |
Truman Keel |
As I grow older, I find myself
facing the everyday problems of life from a
different perspective. When I was young, I thought no
problem was insurmountable. It seems time has painted a
different picture and reality has now given us through the
experiences of life a different understanding. Paul used
this expression in (1st Cor. 13:11) “When I was a child,
I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a
child: but when I become a man, I put away childish
things.” Brethren, time has woven the realization that,
suddenly, I am made to realize that I am an old man and
Jordan is not far away.
Considering the above
statements I look back and try to judge my feeble efforts to
serve God by serving His people. So many opportunities
have come and gone that I failed to use to serve His
people. I consider these missed opportunities to be due to
my slothfulness. I have been a failure in so many ways.
Servants of God, I pray that
you will learn from my mistakes and be spared the necessity
of admitting to such failures.
These things being in the
past, I cannot change, but only ask for forgiveness. I now
look forward to the Lord coming and it is my desire to be
able to say as Paul in (II Tim. 4:7) “I have fought a
good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the
I find the experiences of one
of God’s old prophets, Elijah, to teach us a great lesson in
serving God. This holds a great interest for me, since my
prayers seem to be after this manner. I pray unto God that
He will give me the faith, courage, wisdom, strength, grace
and all things that are necessary for me to finish my course
in life and that it may be to God’s glory. I feel
apprehensive since there is so much labor that needs to be
done among His people and so little time to do it.
God used the Prophet Elijah in
(I Kings Ch. 18) to manifest His great power in the presence
of Israel and her King, Ahab. Israel and her king had
forsaken the commandments of the Lord and followed Baalim.
(I Kings 18:21) “And Elijah came unto all the people, and
said, How long halt ye between two opinions? If the Lord be
God, follow Him: but if Baal, then follow him. And the
people answered him not a word.” You may read in the
18th Chapter how Baal did not answer or receive the offering
made, however, God not only sent the fire of the Lord and
consumed the burnt sacrifice, the wood, the stones of the
altar, the dust and licked up the water that was in the
trenches. In the latter part of the 36th verse Elijah
confessed to being God’s servant and that these things were
done at God’s word. (V. 39) “And when all the people saw
it they fell on their faces: and they said, the Lord, He is
the God; The Lord, He is the God.” The prophets of Baal
were then slain. (Read James 5:17-18) Elijah prayed that it
would not rain and it rained not, neither dew for 42 months.
He prayed again and the rain came in abundance. (I Kings
18:46) “And the hand of the Lord was on Elijah; and he
girded up his loins, and ran before Ahab, (the King) to the
entrance of Jez-reel.”
Elijah had been present and
God had wrought these miracles by the hand of His servant
Elijah. Can you imagine the great confidence, belief and
faith he must have had in God after witnessing these great
miracles and workings of God. No doubt, in his mind he felt
he would never have doubts or fears again.
Lets now observe this same
Prophet of God just a little later. When Ahab the King had
told Jezebel, his wife what Elijah had done and how he had
slain all the Prophets with the sword, she sent a messenger
to Elijah with this message, “So let the gods do to me
and more also, if I make not thy life as the life of one of
them (Prophets of Baal) by tomorrow about this time.”
Elijah, who had witnessed the
fire come down and consume the offering and the altar, now
fled for his life from this woman Jezebel. He came to
Beer-Sheba in Judah, left his servant there and went a day’s
journey into the wilderness. This servant had gone from the
top of Mt. Carmel to a day’s journey into the wilderness and
was now requesting the Lord to take away his life. Is there
one of His children in this present world who have not gone
from the mountain’s top to the wilderness of despair? How
quickly we forget, as did Elijah, the mighty power of God
and how He delivers His children from the Jezebels of this
world. God has made a promise to His children (Job 5:19) “He
shall deliver thee in six troubles: yea, in seven there
shall no evil touch thee.” Seven embraces all the
troubles you will have. Brethren, I think I can relate to
Elijah’s feelings, and I am sure there are others, who have
reached the point when we have wondered; Is God through with
me in this world? Is my work finished? Sometimes my actions
resemble that of Elijah. I want to give up, lay down under a
juniper tree and go to sleep. God was not pleased with
Elijah. (I Kings 19:10) may express Elijah’s mindset and
assessment of the conditions of that time. When the Lord
asked him what doest thou here Elijah? (V. 10) “And he
said I have been very jealous for the Lord God of hosts: for
the children of Israel have forsaken thy covenant, thrown
down thine altars, and slain thy Prophets with the sword;
and I, even I only, am left; and they seek my life to take
it away.” He seemed to be without hope in that
wilderness that he had fled to.
Observe the work of God. (I
Kings 19:5) “And as he lay and slept under a juniper
tree, behold, then an angel touched him, and said unto him,
arise and eat.” What a joy it must have been to be
touched by God’s angel that He had sent. If I might take the
liberty to paraphrase at this point, I am persuaded, that I
have sat in the house of God when one of His angels
(pastors) have touched me and set a cruse of water at my
head and a cake baked on the coals, Gospel waters to drink
from and the Bread of Life to eat. If you disagree with me
brethren, please be charitable to my ignorance.
Elijah drank, ate and went
back to sleep. (I Kings 19:7) “And the angel of the Lord
came again the second time, and touched him, and said, arise
and eat: because the journey is to great for thee.”
Without those gospel waters and the Bread of Life, brethren,
the journey is too great for us. (V. 8) “And he arose, and
did eat and drink, and went in the strength of that meat
forty days and forty nights unto Horeb, the mount of God.”
What a wonderful place to be, rather than the spiritual
wilderness where he was. He had some wonderful experiences
on that Mount. He heard that still small voice of God. The
Lord had not finished with Elijah. How little is my faith.
As Jesus was praying (Luke
22:43) in Gethsemane “And there appeared an angel unto
Him from heaven, strengthening Him.” Remember Elijah’s
journey was too great for him. Jesus’ journey was not too
great for Him; an angel from heaven strengthened Him.
Brethren, as we journey
through the dark and thorny desert; through the wilderness
and valley of despair we can be comforted as we cherish the
sweet and precious thought that God sees us in our
afflictions, and our hope in His love and mercy, and He
might send an angel to touch us: Then everything will be all