A Scriptural View of
Baptism |
Truman Keel |
baptism is one of two ordinances given to the Church. When
entered into by a scripturally qualified candidate,
administered by a scripturally qualified administrator, and
a scriptural mode, water baptism is a most beautiful and
comforting act of obedience, and. Jesus set the example for
(Mat. 3:15) “And Jesus answering said unto him, suffer it to
be so now; for thus it becometh us to fulfill all
righteousness. Then he suffered Him.”
There are many of the Lord's people in the world that take
this ordinance (given to the Church); which is the only
Scriptural method by which members are received into the
Church; and take the joy out of obedience to it by
mistakenly using it as a means of obtaining the remission of
their sins (eternal salvation or regeneration): Losing the
sweet joy of answering their good conscience toward God, by
viewing or using the ordinance as a burden or law, which
they must comply with to become a child of God.
Let us endeavor to analyze the entire process of water
baptism step by step, viewing water baptism as a means of
regeneration. I am convinced by the scriptures, that we have
authority to baptize believers only. One is not a qualified
candidate if he or she is not a believer.
In (Acts 8:36) the Ethiopian asked the question, here is
water, what doth hinder me to be baptized? In (acts 8:37)
“And Phillip said, if thou believest thou mayest. And he
answered and said, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of
God.” Phillip was satisfied that he was a qualified
candidate as evidenced by him baptizing him. Did you notice,
how not being a believer would have hindered him from being
baptized? In reference to (Acts 8:37) Phillip said if thou
believest thou mayest, not if thou will believe. I am
persuaded, that we cannot believe before regeneration. If
water baptism were used as a means of regeneration it would
not be possible to have a proper candidate until after
baptism, who can believe? (Acts 13:48) “And when the
Gentiles heard this, they were glad, and glorified the word
of the Lord, and as many as were ordained to eternal life,
believed.” Why do not all men believe? (JN 10:26) “But ye
believe not, because ye are not of my sheep, as I said to
If water
baptism is necessary in order to be born of the spirit of
God, then we must conclude that you are not born of the
spirit of God until the baptism is completed. Brethren,
consider what you would be taking down into the water under
these conditions. You would be immersing a carnal minded,
unregenerated, non-believing sinner for the purpose of them
receiving spiritual life. I am persuaded, that one immersed
under the conditions will be raised in the same condition
they were before immersion. I can find no scripture to
support the theory that while this person was under water
that they were born of the spirit of God and became a
believer. Remember, our example was to baptize them that
were believers before they went into the water.
believe this to be a false doctrine and it has robbed God’s
children of the peace that comes with a god conscience
toward God. (I Peter 3:21) The like figure (Ref. V 20)
where unto even baptism doth also now save us (not the
putting away the filth of the flesh, but the answer of a
good conscience toward God) by the resurrection of Jesus
Christ.” The word also (in addition to) indicates to me the
saving by baptism is in addition to another saving, but all
saving is by the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The
translators were sincere and truthful enough they inserted a
parenthesis (explanation) to emphasize that this saving did
not put away the filth of the flesh, but was the way to have
a good conscience toward God.
Brethren, when one of God’s little ones has been obedient to
the gospel call and is baptized scripturally, they have
access to a peace beyond understanding.
I would like
to borrow a thought from a dear Brother. I don’t think he
would object. If I understood correctly, he said, that God
is always at peace with His children based upon the finished
work of His Son. Read (II Cor. 5:19) “to wit that God was in
Christ, reconciling the world unto Himself, not imputing
their trespasses unto them;”
I think we are
not at peace with God many times, because of our
disobedience. I weep for God’s children that enter into
baptism with a slavish fear of escaping wrath and missed the
great joy and peace that comes with submitting in obedience
to His command. I pray these thoughts may be of some
spiritual value to the Lord’s people.