Psalms 11:3
A Psalm of David,
during the time when David was being hunted and
persecuted by King Saul; and the priesthood (85
Priests in all) which tended the Tabernacle at Nob,
were slain at Saul's command, by Doeg, the Idumaen
chief of Saul's herdsmen: David lamented that the
Priests of God, the foundations of worship for
Israel were destroyed, and questioned “what can the
righteous do?”
The answer to David's
question was answered before it was asked, and
confirmed afterward: In verse 1 he said: “In the
Lord put I my trust: why say unto my soul, flee as a
bird to your mountain? Then in verse 4 he confirms:
“The Lord is in His holy temple, His throne is in
Heaven: His eyes behold, His eyelids try, the
children of men. “The Lord will provide”
Mark 7:36, 37
And He charged them
that they should tell no man: but the more He
charged them, so much the more a great deal they
published it. And were beyond measure,
astonished, saying, He hath done all things well: He
maketh both the deaf to hear, and the dumb to speak.
Saturday, October the 8th, 2005 under clear to partly cloudy
skies, wind from the north at 3 mph with the temperature at
52.4 degrees.
George Walker (dec)
"Who shall lay any thing to
the charge of God`s elect? It is God that justifieth."
(Romans 8:33)
The answer to the question is
no one, because it is God that does the electing and it is
God that declares one just. We might say that God is unfair,
we might even make a charge against one of the elect calling
them unfit, or questioning their election, but the charge
will not hold because God does the choosing and God does the
justifying. You see God is sovereign and God has the right
to do what he wants when he wants to do it. And also God is
right in everything that he does. Holy and Righteous is his
name. To question election is to question God, charging God
to be unjust.
The Important
Things Are Not: How well we run; how well we
stand; how well we speak publicly; how much we have
or how well we are admired. The Important Things
Are: That we run with patience; That we stand for
good; that we speak the truth; that we appreciate
what we have, and are admired because of how we
value the things we think are most important. Editor |
Old Baptist Favorite
“Favorite PB Recipes we have
borrowed, to share with you.”
Chocolate Chess Pie -
From Granny's Cookbook
Here's what you'll
½ Cup butter1-½ 1 oz.
Chopped unsweet baking chocolate
1 Cup brown sugar - packed
½ Cup sugar
2 Eggs, beaten
1 tbsp. Milk
1 tsp. All purpose flour
1 tsp. Vanilla extract
9 in Refrigerated pie crust
Garnish: Whipped cream
Melt butter and choc. in a small saucepan over low
heat: set aside. Combine sugars, eggs, milk, flour
and vanilla in a medium bowl. Gradually add
chocolate mixture, beating constantly pour into pie
crust, and bake at 325 deg for 40 to 45 min. Let
cool before serving (serves 6-8)
· Rudiments
are the fundamentals for understanding and doing, but some
folks want to put it together, and then read the
· There
are two ways to learn rudiments: Study and practice. Study
comes first, cause it's hard to practice what you don't
· When
it comes down to the “doin,” it is always good to have
learned the right rudiments right.
· The
rudiments of sin, are those we try not to practice. |
Out of every kindred,
tongue, people and nation, by Thy blood and nothing
more. Rev. 5:9. Only the THESE folks, Second and
Next comes the blessing of TIMELY GOSPEL salvation.
V10 = Herein we are made kings and priests, but only
on this earth. V11= and the number of them can be
ten thousand times, the thousand, being thousands of
thousands. Their total message shall be “worthy is
the Lamb that was slain to receive power, riches,
wisdom, strength, honour, glory and blessing. These
few verses does establish the entire spectrum of
BOTH salvations. He is first and we are His,