• Lies are easy to tell, until the person you are talking about walks up, and you see how wrong it is.
• Lies are the doctrines of fools, and a fool will usually cover up one with another.
• If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember what you said, but if you tell a lie, you can't forget it.
• If you are going to do something you will have to lie about; conscience is telling you not to do it.
• Lie not one to another, seeing ye have put off the old man with his deeds; Col 3:9


• The joy of life is being in places which have

been touched by the hand of God.

• There is nothing which is beyond the reach

of God's hand, or higher than His understanding.

• Knowing all that God knows, is a fool's errand, but

knowing what God would have us to know, is the

answer to the spiritual, inner man's prayer.



Scriptural Water Baptist Requires Four Factors:




1. Proper Subject – Regenerated, Born-again Believer.

2. Proper Administrator – God-called minister, ordained at the hands of an Orthodox Church Presbytery.

3. Proper Mode – By immersion in water.

4. Proper Motive (Reason) – By submitting to baptism this person, is declaring publicly that they believe the death, burial and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ alone, accomplished their Eternal Redemption completely.



 By Elder Hulan F. Bass

TWO Views of Jesus:                                                    From the King James Translation

1.) He is the FIRST LIGHT of day – Gen. 1:15. 2.) Isaiah 7:14 = Behold a Virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and call his name Immanuel 3.) Isaiah 53:1—3 = He is the ARM OF the Lord as revealed, He shall grow up as a Tender Plant, a root out of dry ground with no form of comeliness, with no beauty, and will be despised & rejected of men, of sorrows and acquainted with grief, and we hid our faces from him. Despised and esteemed him not. 4.) Jer. 10:1—5 – O House of Israel, please hear His Voice, and learn not the way of the heathen of whom I will punish all of them, and you are to desmise not at the signs of heaven, as are the heathen. Customs of the people are vain, as they work with their hands, cutting from a tree, and deck it with silver & gold, nailed with nails with a hammer. They are upright as a Palm Tree, Be not afraid of them for they cannot do evil. 5.) Micah 5:2 = But thou, Bethlehem Ephrarh, though thou be little among the 1000’s of Judah, yet out of the shall come forth that is to be ruler in Israel. Whose coming is to be old from everlasting.

Now the N.T. Listings are very easy to visualize in = Matt. 1:18—25; Luke 2:1-----13; John 1:1—5; 6:34---42; 8:52—59; 2nd Cor. 5:21; Phil. 2:7 –> This last listing is that He will make himself of no reputation, but that of only a “servant” in the likeness of men.