Ephesians 5:19  Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord.

You don't have to know how, or be able to sing in a way that greatly contributes to the singing about God's mercy and grace among the congregation: It is the feeling that you know the sound, and have great desire in your heart to sing it, that makes the songs of praise such a blessing to you! And though your voice may never have been heard by others; the Lord heard every single note in perfect tune, and received every glory of praise and honour the Spirit, delivered from you to His Holy presence!

Every child of God can sing His praise in His Holy Spirit. Even those who cannot make a sound with their voice, are heard so sweetly in the spiritual praise.


Like Daddy use to say: “About Honesty.”

• Son, being known as honest, is the most valuable badge of distinction you could ever wear!

• Honest folks, are the ones you don't need to keep an eye on.

• In dealings with most people you only get to be dishonest with them once.

• A dishonest people may take an oath to be honest, but will they be honorable enough to keep it?

Wednesday, July 2nd, 2008 under clear skies, wind from the south at seven mph, with the temperature at seventy-six degrees.

Elder George D. Walker (dec.)

Wednesday, June the 24th, 2009 under clear skies, wind from the north west at three mph, with the temperature at ninety-eight degrees.



"Even so the tongue is a little member, and boasteth great things, Behold, how great a matter a little fire kindleth." (James 3:5)

A little fire can do a lot of damage. I remember back when I was living with my sister and her husband before I joined the army.  They both did public work and I was working for them on their farm.  There was a gully down next to the road with brush, tree limbs, old used tires and so forth. I did not know that they were in there for a reason. So one day I thought I would clean that up for them.  I set all that on fire and I could not control it. It was not long, everyone in the country came to see what was burning, even fire trucks pulled up to put it out.  So is the tongue that gets out of control.  It causes great damage sometimes that the wounds never heal. 


"For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints."(1 Cor 14:33)

The subject matter is speaking in unknown tongues, showing that if any man is speaking in an unknown tongue, or other words in a different language than the hearer, let him have someone to interpret.  Then if there is no interpreter, let him keep silence in the church.  In so doing, it will keep down confusion in the church, because God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.  Now if there be no interpreter he can still speak to himself and to God, because God understands all languages.  What good is it in speaking in an unknown language if the hearers does not comprehend or understand what is being preached unto them, other than confusion.  The verse before us indicates that if there is confusion in the church, there will be no peace, because no one will understand what is being said or preached.  God is not the author of confusion. 


 Pineapple Bars



Here is what you need:

 1 ¾ cup sugar
 1 ¾ cup flour
 1 tsp. soda
 1 lg. can crushed pineapple
 2 eggs, beaten


Here is how you do it:

Sift together first 3 ingredients. Mix well with remaining ingredients.

Pour into a well greased and floured 9x12x2” pan.

Bake 30 – 40 min @ 350º.

FROSTING: Mix together 8 oz of soft cream cheese, 2 tbsp of soft margarine, 1 box powdered sugar, 1 cup chopped pecans. Frost cooled cake in pan and cut into bars.