Memories of Ancient
Men |
Elder Mark Green |
“But many of the priests and Levites and chief of the
fathers, who were ancient men, that had seen the first
house, when the foundation of this house was laid before
their eyes, wept with a loud voice; and many shouted aloud
for joy” (Ezra 3.12).
The Bible warns us against a sentimentality that accounts
days past as being superior to these days. Yesterday had its
troubles just as surely as does today, but sometimes we tend
to forget them.
It is not wrong, however, to remember the blessings of the
past and to rejoice in them. God does not change, and if He
is good today, he was good a year ago and a century ago; and
we honor Him when we remember his mercies past. The “ancient
men” in Ezra’s day were old enough to have remembered the
laying of the foundation of the original temple, and when
they watched the new one being laid, it caused such joy to
well up within them that they shouted out loud because of
In the final analysis, the old days were not much different
than today. They had their troubles and their triumphs,
their sorrows and their sweetness. God called able ministers
then just as he does today, and it is the same Spirit that
worked in both cases. The gospel has not changed, and the
work of God the Spirit remains the same in the matter of
giving gifts unto men.
Those ancient men may have remembered with peculiar fondness
their experiences from that signal event of their youth,
and, since God works in similar ways in all ages, their
contemplations over the years of that first great event may
have caused it to take on a unique sweetness in their
memories. That is how it ought to be. We get the goodness
from our meals when we chew them well, and we enjoy
blessings past all the more when we re-live them at
intervals throughout our lives.
However, we need to keep in mind that in due time our
current experiences may also have that same sweetness if we
contemplate them with the same earnestness. Current
blessings will soon become blessings past, and if we
appreciate them and thank God for them as we should, they
will become all the more sweet as time passes.