Terminology |
Phillip Conley |
This morning, there is not a
particular Scripture on my mind, but I have been thinking
particularly about the subject of Terminology. Paul exhorted
the Corinthian brethren to have good communication, because
"evil communication corrupts good manners."(I
Corinthians 15:33)
It is imperative that we
understand one another, for if there is truly a difference
of theology, we must know it when conversing. My earthly
father once said, "I would much rather someone know what I
thought and disagree with me than to not understand me and
wonder whether they agreed with me or not." So, is there
merit to squabbling over terminology?
Isaiah also exhorted us not to make a brother an offender
for a word. (Isaiah 29:21) Therefore, what terms should we
use? It is the humble opinion of the writer that if we have
Biblical language to use, it is beneficial to use it.
However, if a man uses language that is not in the Bible
(but the principle is) then that is perfectly acceptable so
long as the teaching is clear and "gives the sense" so that
the congregation will "understand the reading." (Nehemiah
8:8) Therefore, let us look at a few examples of this to
find what is acceptable and what is not. In recent years,
some have objected to the term "time salvation" since they
say the term is unbiblical. While the actual phrase is not
found in the Bible, the concept certainly is, for Peter
writes about a "now salvation" that comes in baptism. (I
Peter 3:21) Some of the objectors to the term are quite fond
of the term "sovereign" or "sovereignty. " Neither of these
terms are Biblical, but the concept certainly applies to our
Lord (even if the term is absent). Other examples include
eternal security, total depravity, trinity, and particular
redemption. We believe in all of these terms since the Holy
Scriptures abundantly teach the principle with different
terminology. Another term used quite often is "providence."
This word is found in one place (Acts 24:2), and it is not
used in reference to the Almighty. However, one need only
read through the book of Esther to see how the Lord mightily
works His providential hand over His people for their
protection and His glory. Therefore, a term is worthy
provided the principle is solid and the presentation clearly
brought forth. On the other hand, if a man brings terms into
the Lord's house such as regeneration, the gospel, and
confession with the intent to use these concepts to make
children of God then I cannot labour with such. These terms
are Biblical, but if the application is man-made
regeneration, gospel means, and confession to invite Jesus
to be our Saviour, then no matter how Biblical the word the
concept is rotten.
Terminology is very needful to converse about the goodness
of the Lord. So, may we present the principles of the Bible
in a clear manner, and utilize the talents that He has
bestowed unto us to the edification of Zion and praise of
His matchless Name.