When it All Began |
Mark D. Rowell |
“For when God made promise to Abraham, because he could
swear by no greater, he sware by himself, saying, surely
blessing I will bless thee, and multiplying I will multiply
thee.” Heb. 6:14
Have you
ever wondered, “When did it all begin?” I’m not talking
about the creation of the world. That obviously started when
God spoke it into existence. We find where Abel’s blood
spoke to God early on in Genesis. We also see God’s promise
to Noah that He won’t destroy the world by water ever again.
Much happened in those first eleven chapters of the Bible,
but I’m talking about something else. I’m talking about a
man by the name of Abram that we start learning about in
chapter 12. More specifically, I’m talking about the
promise, or the announcement of divine intention, that God
made to Abraham.
When God
called Abram to go out from his country, kindred, and his
father’s house, His very next statement was, “And I will
make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make
thy name great…” (Gen 12:2) So immediately God revealed
to Abram that He had purposed something very special, not
just for Abraham, but far beyond that! A very short time
after this, in Shechem, God told Abram that the land where
he was would be given to his seed. So, in God’s time, He
slowly reveals to Abram what his divine intentions are.
So, this
is when it all began, but it just keeps getting better. The
Lord isn’t done revealing yet!
the Lord reveals that He is “…thy shield, and thy
exceeding great reward.” (Gen 15:1) At this point, the
Lord says that Abram will have an heir “…that shall come
forth out of thine own bowels…”, and Abram believed.
Then God told him to number the stars for “So shall thy
seed be.” The Lord expands Abram’s knowledge of His
divine intentions: Abram will have a son.
the Lord changes Abram’s name to Abraham, because he will be
a father of many nations. Do you see how all this is moving
according to the Lord and the direction it’s headed? It all
started with Abraham! While Ishmael was indeed Abraham’s
son, the Lord clarifies to him that Sarah will bear THE son
with whom God will establish His covenant “…for an
everlasting covenant, and with his seed after him.”
(THIS IS KEY!!!) His seed after him! The Lord is moving in
Abraham’s life to show His divine intentions (His purpose)
regarding not just Abraham’s son Isaac, but to THE seed; not
just to Abraham’s lineage, but THE lineage (Israel)…and
moreover, SPIRITUAL Israel! It began with making Abram a
great nation and then moved to the land that will be given
him for an inheritance, then to the promise of a son, then
Abram to Abraham, and then the promise of the son in which
He will establish his covenant to THE seed.
Isaac is born. He’s here! The promised child has arrived!
What a joyous day in the lives of Abraham and Sarah! The
journey that began some 25 years earlier just passed a major
milestone! But the Lord still has one last piece to announce
to Abraham that completes the beginning of the promise and
shows the fruition of the same!
chapter 22 is the apex of Abraham’s journey into the promise
of God! While this continues to show the faith of Abraham,
it’s not about Abraham. While Isaac is the one who is to be
offered, it’s not about Isaac. Oh no, my friends, this is
about with whom the promise was established, and that
establishment was done before the world began! But the
announcement of those divine intentions began with Abram,
and now Abraham is going to see it all!
You know
what happened, right? God tells Abraham to take his son, his
only son, whom he loves, and go into Moriah to a place that
God will show him and offer up Isaac to God. But it’s in
that offering, and moreso in what Abraham does and sees,
that he finally realizes what the Lord’s purpose is
regarding His children!
before Abraham takes the life of Isaac, the Lord stays his
hand. Then, the Lord says this, “By myself have I sworn,
saith the Lord, for because thou hast done this thing, and
hast not withheld thy son, thine only son: that in blessing
I will bless thee, and in multiplying I will multiply thy
seed as the stars of the heaven, and as the sand which is
upon the sea shore; and thy seed shall possess the gate of
his enemies; and in thy seed shall all the nations of the
earth be blessed” (Gen 22:16-18)
Abraham saw the ram caught in the thicket, he didn’t just
see that ram: he saw the Lamb! He saw everything that the
Lord announced to him starting back in Genesis 12. Abraham
realized just what God had shown him during all that time!
We have two proofs to this:
1) Abraham saw it and then called the name of that place
Jehovahjireh, which means, “In the mount of the Lord it
shall be seen!”
2) The Lord Jesus Christ Himself acknowledges what Abraham
saw when He told the Pharisees in John 8:56, “Your father
Abraham rejoiced to see my day: and he saw it, and was
You see,
Abraham saw Jesus Christ that day in Moriah! He saw the
promise of God and what the end result would be of the
keeping of that promise! It’s not about Abraham (in that
context) so much as it is about the Lord Jesus Christ and
what He finished on the Cross of Calvary in saving every
elect child of God for all eternity!
So, what
began so long ago, in God announcing that which He purposed
in His Son before the world began, was shown to Abraham on a
mountain in Moriah. The beauty is that not just Abraham saw
it, but WE see it as well! God used Abraham to show US His
divine purpose! What began with Abraham in Genesis chapter
12, is still being shown to us today. It will not stop,
until the Lord returns to carry us home to Glory!