Jemima Wilkinson and
the Indian |
Elder John Leland |
IMPROVED. From: “The
Writings of Elder John Leland” P. 339
THE high claims of Jemima Wilkinson* (that Christ has
descended the second time, and dwells in her,) are generally
known. Her place of residence (Editor-cir. 1777-1790) is in
the town of Jerusalem, Ontario County, and State of New
A few years past, a religious
Indian paid her a visit, with intention to find out wherein
her great strength lay. After discoursing with her some
time, in English, he changed his dialect, and spake in his
own mother tongue; to which Jemima replied, in her plain
manner of speaking, "thee must not speak to me in Indian
language, for I do not understand it." " Ah !" said the
Indian, " then I know you are not my Saviour ; for my
blessed Jesus understands poor Indians." How significant the
words, and how marvellous the idea of the Indian!
More than a thousand different
dialects now exist, among the various nations of the earth,
which bear so little affinity to each other, that the people
who speak one of them understand little or nothing of
another. Supposing a thousand congregations, belonging to a
thousand distinct nations, should assemble in some spacious
plain, and the whole number of individuals, in each
congregation, should lift up their voices in prayer and
praise to God; is it probable that Jesus would understand
them all? Like the Indian, I believe he would. Should any
individual, in the vast assembly, hear all the voices, what
a din of confusion would assail his ears; but all would be
order and significance with the dear Redeemer. If this
conclusion is just, it is presumptive evidence that Jesus
Christ is the omniscient God. If it should be objected,
however, that it is possible for Omnipotence to make a
creature of such extensive faculties, that he can understand
all that is said by all, it will not hastily be denied.
But, supposing the public
worship of this great assembly should close, would Jesus
then know the temper of each heart? Can an inarticulate
prayer of the heart rise to God, through the mediation of
Christ, and at the same time the Mediator know nothing of
it? It cannot be admitted. He must then know the hearts of
When he was on earth, he
perceived the thoughts of the people, and knew what was in
man. If we consider Solomon's address to Israel's God,
"Thou, even thou only, knowest the hearts of men," it will
be substantiated that Jesus, who knew the thoughts and
hearts of men, IS Israel's Lord and Saviour; for it is not
possible for Omnipotence to make another creature of
co-omniscience with himself.
[*] Jemima Wilkinson was a
charismatic American Quaker and evangelist. Wilkinson was
born in Cumberland, Rhode Island to Quaker parents. After
suffering from a severe illness and fever, Wilkinson
reported having the experience of death and return from
heaven, reincarnated as a prophet known as the Public
Universal Friend, who was neither male nor female. Wilkinson
chose the self description of "Universal Friend" and
preached the Ten Commandments (Editor: and other
doctrines) and sexual abstinence to followers. Thus
formed the "Society of Universal Friends." These terms were
probably borrowed from The Quakers who were also called the
Society of Friends.
Wilkinson preached and
traveled in New England, where they were generally rejected
by traditional Quakers. The Universal Friends settled for a
time in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the national capital at
the time and a city with a sizable Quaker community. There
they attracted followers. In 1790, The Society moved to
western New York, to settle on land newly purchased from the
dispossessed Seneca people. Most of the Seneca and other
Iroquois peoples had been forced out of the state, having
been allies of the British during the American Revolutionary
War. Wilkinson and their followers founded Jerusalem, New
York, since renamed as Penn Yan. It is located in Yates
County at the north end of Keuka Lake in the Finger Lakes
(This additional information
is added from Wikipedia, Encyclopedia, for clarity on