Making Known |
Green |
Romans 9:23-24 “And that he might make known the riches of
his glory on the vessels of mercy, which he had afore
prepared unto glory, even us, whom he hath called, not of
the Jews only, but also of the Gentiles?"
God, in
his election and predestination, prepared or purposed a
people to live with Him in glory. The price for their sins
had to be paid by the cross, and they had to be born of the
Spirit, and their bodies would have to be changed; but the
decree had gone forth and heaven was as certain to be their
home as God is wise and good. When Brother Paul says that
God prepared them unto glory, we could just as easily
substitute the word “predestinated,” and the thought would
be the same. They are the objects of his mercy and grace,
written from the foundation of the world in the book of life
of the slain Lamb.
Paul here raises the question, “What if?” If God was willing
to shew his wrath, what about that? If He was willing to
make known the riches of his glory, what about that? There
is a book of life and some names are written there, but
whose names? They are not the name of all the human race,
but of a portion of it, a vast host that is beyond the
ability of man to number at this point in our existence. The
names written there represent certain individuals from among
mankind, but not all of mankind. Who are they?
We have
an old hymn which states, “Free election, known by calling,
is a privilege divine.” We have absolutely no way, in this
life, to know who was elected, except by the evidences we
may see of their having been called out of the darkness of a
death in sin into the marvelous light of God’s grace. When
we see the fruit of the Spirit, then we have some
information regarding an individual’s election. Paul said
that he knew the Thessalonians’ election because the word of
God came to them in power. They were stirred by the
preaching of the pure gospel, and that was evidence of their
calling or of their having been regenerated; and that
calling was evidence of their election.
God has called some of the Gentiles, as well as some of the
Jews. These are the men which He had “afore prepared unto
glory.” By their calling He “makes known” the riches of his