The Veracity of
Scripture |
Phillip N. Conley |
Corinthians 14:37, "If any man think himself to be a
prophet, or spiritual, let him acknowledge that the things
that I write unto you are the commandments of the Lord."
This morning, we live in a very cynical society. People look
to turn heroes into villains and soft-soap villains. The end
result is a more homogeneous product wherein the lines
between right and wrong are blurred. This skeptical mindset
about absolute truth with clearly delineated right and wrong
tends to a great suspicion of the infallibility of the Holy
Scriptures. Moreso than in times past, Bible believers
struggle today with the nagging clouds that the world throws
their way, "Is the Bible really perfect?" Too many times
today, I engage in discussion with people about the Bible
only to have them say something to the effect, "How can we
really know? After all, that book has passed through many
hands over many years. How could anyone really know if that
is what it always said?" By allowing such a thought, the
implication is clear. The ultimate inescapable conclusion
that they come to is that it cannot be perfect. No work
could be after that much time passing through so many hands.
In point of fact though, the Bible is just as it should be,
and it is infallible due to the preserving Providence of its
Author: God Himself.
Our study verse is part of Paul's concluding arguments to
his grand discourse on spiritual gifts and the worship of
the body that started in Chapter 12. He has discussed how
the church ought to function in worship, and gave many
warnings of pitfalls to avoid. One of the great warnings
that he gave in Chapter 14 was to avoid things that might
spark emotion but were void of proper order and good
decorum. Though the house of God should be a place of good
emotion and high spirits, what carries the day in its proper
course is whether the proper blueprint for true worship has
been followed. One of the things I remember from my youth
was a minister who said, "Though I hope to always enjoy the
house of God and my times in it, the success of the effort
is not designed around my enjoyment. The success of the
effort is designed around whether He is glorified in our
worship." Amen and amen. A hard lesson for man to learn is
when something is "not about him." No matter the situation
in the house of God, it is not about us. It is about Him!
Therefore, the proper course to follow through Paul's
reasoning is that everything is designed to honour and adore
In reaching his final arguments and conclusions, Paul
hearkens back to a device that he has employed throughout
this discussion: the idea of how to approach someone else
doing something in the house of God. In this example, he
shows how someone should be proven who claims to be
spiritually minded or given a gift to prophecy. From time to
time, the church may have a young man who believes he is
called to preach or may be visited by someone desiring to
become a part of the body who claims spirituality. How do
you prove such a claim? What is the beginning point? Paul
says that the starting point is the person's assertion that
what Paul had written was exactly right. Paul said that what
he wrote is the very commandments of God Himself. Paul is
not being proud, arrogant, or boastful. He is simply stating
the truth that what he writes to the churches comes straight
from God and Divine Inspiration. If someone is truly sent of
God, called of God, and spiritually in tune with God, they
will have to admit it too since God is not of duplicitous
minds about things.
When we look at culture today, we see that man's imagination
runs wild, whereas he scoffs at absolute truth. How many
people gleefully follow the superstitions of the day but
doubt how accurate the Bible really is? A while back, I
heard a stunning statistic. A poll was taken in this country
of 20-40 year olds across the country. They were given a
word association survey, and around 80% of them answered the
same way when they heard the word "resurrection." Instead of
thinking of Christ, the end of time, or some comforting
scene that the Bible paints for us around this subject,
their response was "zombies." People today actually prepare
themselves for the so-called "zombie apocalypse" to be able
to survive waves of "undead beasts" walking all over the
globe. Superstition runs amok while real truth is discarded.
Sad indeed!
Friends, if we are to truly grow in our development here on
earth, we must begin with several foundational stones. One
of those stones is that the book we call The Bible is verily
the words of the Almighty. It is without fault, and it will
be preserved as long as time remains. (Psalm 12:6-7, II
Timothy 3:16-17) If a preacher is going to develop his gift
like he should, he must stand upon and proclaim the word
faithfully rather than his own thoughts and whims. When
reading Paul's discourse through this portion of Scripture,
some of the things he warns against seem funny to consider.
If someone from the outside saw everyone in church "doing
his own thing" at the same time, he would declare the whole
bunch to be crazy. (Verse 23) Yet, in my time, I have seen
some lamentable behavior in the house of God due to man
following his own whims rather than the word that can make
us complete in our functions here on earth. Paul's statement
in our study verse upholds the veracity of Scripture and
makes it the standard and filter through which things should
be strained.
While talking to a co-worker yesterday, he asked me how much
of the Bible I had committed to memory. I replied that I
really did not know, and he said, "You seem to know it
well." Reaching back to wisdom from the past, I said, "Well
Mike, it's not hard to remember what you just read." When
his face puzzled, I told him that we learn the best through
repeated behavior, and the best way to learn the Bible and
remember it is through repeated passes. If this is my
standard for all facets of life, then I need to be as
familiar with the principles to know how to proceed through
life. If it keeps me from the pitfalls and treacherous lies
of the world, then I need to be versed in it to avoid the
maladies that life brings. Most of all, if I want to be
considered spiritually minded and a benefit to my brethren,
I need to be well acquainted with the commandments of the
Lord as laid down in his text.
Most of our churches have an article of faith that reads
something to the effect, "We believe that the Scriptures of
the Old and New Testaments are the inspired word of God and
our only rule of faith and practice." The verbiage may
differ some, but the meat remains the same. If we claim that
as a credo of belief, then everything in life must be
strained through it. Anything short of that becomes our own
druthers and desires. Because my druthers and desires change
over time and through seasons, my life is best served by
something that does not change but is forever settled in
heaven. (Psalm 119:89) Are we spiritually minded today? Are
ministers acting as they should? To examine ourselves in
answering the question, the answer must begin with thoughts
like these, "This book is the commandments of God and just
as flawless and perfect as He is. What it says, I will do.
What it shuns, I will refrain from doing. No matter how much
I don't like it, I'm resolved to follow it." With mindsets
like this, we are better prepared to spiritual devotion and
good growth in the service of our King. Do our minds affirm
that the Bible is the commandments of God? Then may our
steps follow so that our lives show forth good fidelity in
humble service.