A Little Light |
John (Pat) Young, Editor |
Upon awaking this morning, it
was not evident to me, that today is Christmas day. A day of
so many celebrations, and services, to render honor and
respect to the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ.
It would probably be futile to try and count the number of
times the story of the nativity, and birth of our Lord in
Bethlehem of Judea was told. However, there was a time,
while sitting with my morning coffee, and watching an
introduction of the morning celebration, of the Christmas
Holiday, that things began to happen.
The day began, with a brief ceremony and the introduction a
Jewish Rabbi, who was followed by a former Catholic Priest.
The Rabbi spoke first, and during the course of his short
message, he repeated a proverb which was traditionally
spoken at Hanukkah concerning the Menorah: “A little light
can lighten a dark room!”
This little expression, seemed to be a great introduction
for a Jewish student, and minister of the Law, to introduce
such a wonderful thought for the man that would follow him,
with the Holy Scriptures, the Word of God from which he
would add how the Lord Jesus Christ, was the seed of
Abraham, who sprang from Judah, and who was ordained of God
an High Priest forever, after the order of Melchisedec; a
High Priest in whom would be the Light of the World. John
1:4 The Light which would shine into every heart and mind of
His great people; as the elect of God in all the world,
would not only be the Light and life in them; but the
evidence of such life and light as the reflection of Christ
in them as well.
So, thinking it logical to say the following without harm;
we observe: “If the candlestick of the Menorah, is
sufficient to light a room;” then the Lord Jesus Christ, is
worthy to be called The Light of the world: because in Him
there is no darkness at all! |