The Impeccability of
Jesus Christ |
John (Pat) Young |
Published in the Primitive Baptist, The Christian Pathway –
Gospel Appeal December, 2019 By Eld.
John P. (Pat) Young – Editor ZL
As we read in Hebrews 7:26, 27: “For such an high priest
became us, who is holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from
sinners, and made higher than the heavens; Who needeth not
daily, as those high priests, to offer up sacrifice, first
for his own sins, and then for the people's: for this he did
once, when he offered up himself.”
When I was younger, I heard
preachers use the word “Impeccability,” when speaking about
the Holy Person of the Lord Jesus Christ. Eventually
curiosity got the best of me and I began to look into the
subject: “The Impeccability of Jesus Christ.” What is it?
What does it mean? How does it affect mankind?
First, here are two words we need to understand, to reach
any conclusion on this subject: “Peccabilty” and
“Impeccability.” Impeccability means:
“Not subject to sin; exempt from the
possibility of sinning; and no mere man is impeccable.”
It does not mean simply: “Not liable to sin” (for such a
statement to stand alone would not eliminate the possibility
of sinning, but simply state that a person of impeccability
probably would not sin), but it means: “Not able to
transgress the divine law.”
We also should note, that
“Peccability” and “Impeccability” both are nouns, which
state a condition of being. The former says: “One who exists
in a state of peccability, is liable to sin and subject to
transgress the divine law.” While the latter says: “One who
exists in a state of impeccability, is not liable to sin;
not subject to sin; exempt from the possibility of sinning,
and that no mere man is impeccable.”
Therefore impeccability, is
the nature of a Divine Person, as the Lord Jesus Christ, Who
is the only begotten Son of God manifested in a body
conceived of the Holy Ghost, being “Holy, harmless,
undefiled, separate from sinners, and made higher than the
heavens (God manifest in the flesh), from the very
conception of His Holy Person into this world (Luke1:35),
and One who is Impeccable and not able to transgress the
divine law.
The first man is of the
earth earthy: the second man is the Lord from heaven.
(1Cor.15:47) This text makes it clear where the nature of
mankind has it's origin, and where the nature of the Lord
from heaven has His origin: The first man's nature was of
the earth, and the second man's nature was of heaven; the
first was natural and the second was Divine; the first was
peccable, and was able to stand, but also liable to fall,
and the second was Impeccable, Divine, and unable to fall.
There is no man, save the Lord
Jesus Christ, whether Priest or King, apostle or prophet,
who can be “holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from
sinners, and made higher than the heavens: Who has no
sin, and a nature prepared in heaven; and an Impeccable
body, to be the offering for sin. Only God with us, the only
begotten of the Father, could be the impeccable offering for
sin; the Expiator set forth to remove the righteous
obligation of God to punish the sins of the elect. Rom. 3:25
Only one who is unable to fall
(impeccable) could make atonement for those who are fallen
(guilty); only one who was undefiled Himself, could
reconcile the defiled; only one who was harmless could
justify the harmful; only one who was separate from sinners,
could atone for sin; only one who was holy could give
repentance to the unholy, and only one who cannot fall, can
save the fallen.
He Who is Holy does grant His
chosen repentance; He Who is undefiled has reconciled us to
God; and He Who was separate from sinners, and without sin,
has stood in the breach between a righteous, offended God
and His fallen elect to atone for their sins. A place only
“The Impeccable Son of God,” could occupy; a place where
only He could stand, with one arm reaching up to the Father
while the other embraces all those whom He purchased with
His own blood; that we might now stand for faithful Job, and
declare: We no more fear the terror of Divine justice, for
God hath devised means; He has given us a daysman (Job
9:33), to stand in the breach and lay His hand upon us both,
that we be not expelled from Him, and stand in the joy of
knowing, His rod has been taken away, the terror is past,
and hope springs eternal because of the Impeccability of
Jesus Christ our Saviour! |