Examine Yourselves |
John (Pat) Young |
2 Corinthians 13:5 “Examine
yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own
selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ
is in you, except ye be reprobates?”
In these troubled times today
(which differ little from many other times in the history of
this sinful world in which we live), I have had many an
occasion when I need to stop and do a self-examination, to
be sure I am not allowing my thoughts of what is transpiring
in the world, to contaminate my thoughts of what is good and
right before my Lord; because those good thoughts are what
is, “in the faith;” and everything else is of the hearts and
minds of men, of which some may be profitable, but much may
be unprofitable.
Christ in you, is the hope of
Thoughts on Heb.7:22
Consider the text: “By so much was Jesus made a surety of
a better testament.”
By so much; How much is So
much? What would be required? Everything required to fulfill
the law and the prophets, and take up the position as our
Everlasting High Priest, able to reach out as the surety of
all the elect; to lay His hands on us and join us to the
Eternal God forever!
To reign as our King of Peace;
in the New Testament of grace and peace, which laws are
written in our hearts and minds, and proven by the Spirit of
God in grace and truth each day, instead of the trial of
obedience we cannot fulfill, to a law written on tables of
How much? All it took