Three in a Row |
Robert Willis (dec) |
Out The Works of God”
“Mixtures of Joy and Sorrow”
“Cast Thy Bread”
Seek Out The Works of God
The psalmist David gives wonderful admonition to God’s
children in Psalm 111:2, “The works of the LORD are
great, sought out of all them that have pleasure therein.”
This verse doesn’t say that just anyone will seek out
the great works of the Lord. What it does say is who it is
that will seek out those wondrous works. It is those who
have found pleasure in them before and know the blessings
found in seeking the things of God which honor and glorify
Him; those things which are pleasing to Him, and those
things which are according to His will.
Job, in the midst of all types of tribulation, said;
“Hearken unto this, O Job: stand still, and consider the
wondrous works of God” (Job 37:14). This is exactly the
point which God would eventually make with Job when the Lord
instructed him concerning His (God’s) creation and the
wonder of it. Notice what John said in Revelation 15:3,
“…Great and marvelous are thy works, Lord God Almighty; just
and true are thy ways, thou King of saints.” It is these
works and these ways which we should seek daily and then
relish in the “pleasure therein.” We would all do well to
think about it!
II. Mixtures of Joy and Sorrow
Singing the songs and hymns and spiritual songs has always
been a joy to my soul. There is something special about
lifting up our voices in praise to the Almighty God. It is
when my soul is at its lowest ebb that I find such comfort
in singing or at least allowing the hymns to flood my soul.
It is such a hymn as “Mixtures OF JOY AND SORROW” that
reminds me of what families face when they lose someone they
love. How often we forget of how the Lord is touched by
these same events in the lives of His children. Notice
closely what the psalmist David said in Psalm 116:15,
“Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his
saints.” The Lord feels our sorrows as we realize the
reality of no longer being around kinsmen of this world, yet
may we remember that He rejoices as His children come home
to Paradise to sing praises to His name forevermore.
It has been said many times by families and pastors alike;
while we know that our loved one is now rejoicing in
Paradise, we are saddened by the lack of their presence. We
are yet comforted with joy in knowing that we “...sorrow
not, even as others which have no hope” (I Thessalonians
4:13). Solomon, in Ecclesiastes 7:1, said it is better on
“...the day of death than the day of one’s birth.” Why
is this? Simply because there is no more pain, suffering,
disappointments, or sadness; rather joy and happiness in
praising our Lord.
Notice closely the words of “Mixture Of Joy And Sorrow” as
recorded on page 255 of the Old School Hymnal:
“Mixtures of joy and sorrow,
I daily do pass through.
Sometime I’m in the valley,
And sinking down with woe;
Some times I am exalted,
On eagle’s wings I fly;
I rise above my troubles,
And hope to reach the sky.”
Paul expressed it well in his writings to both the church at
Ephesus and Colossae. Singing with grace in our hearts while
we make melody to the Lord helps us to daily deal with the
mixtures of joy and sorrow we face on a regular basis. In
Ephesians 5:19 he wrote, “Speaking to yourselves in
psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making
melody in your heart to the Lord;...” and then in
Colossians 3:16 he said, “Let the word of Christ dwell in
you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one
another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing
with grace in your hearts to the Lord.” May the grace
and mercy of our Lord be with you this day if you have lost
someone to death, or, are just separated from their presence
for awhile. The Lord can comfort in any and all situations
that come our way. Praise be to His Holy Name.
III. Cast Thy Bread
Some people love to give while others only want to receive.
There is no guessing required to know which one of these
would be pleasing to the Lord. Giving to the church should
be something we want to do, not something we feel is a
burden. Notice the words of II Corinthians 9:7 where Paul
said, “Every man according as he purposeth in his heart,
so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God
loveth a cheerful giver.” Financial support of the
church is a responsibility of God’s children who have been
blessed with a sweet resting place while living out our
lives in this temporal world. But, we also need to give
freely of our time, effort, and prayers to the maintenance
of the church so that it will be a healthy body of
Ecclesiastes 11:1 says, “Cast thy bread upon the waters:
for thou shalt find it after many days.” We often sing a
song with these words and it always makes me pause and
ponder the truths it holds. In seeking to be disciples of
Christ, casting our bread upon the waters is good admonition
which points us in the right direction of keeping the
commandments of God - Not in order to receive anything in
return, but because of all the blessings He has already
bestowed upon us. We should endeavor to use this principle
both in the church and in dealing with aspects of life.
“Blessed are the saints who render,
Faithful services of love.
To the Lord’s dear little children,
As they seek those things above.”
Blessed are the who give freely,
Of their substance, and their time.
for god loves a cheerful giver,
And their joy shall be sublime.”
(The Blessed Service Of Love - R.H. Pittman - J. Harvey
Daily, Old School Hymnal, p. 148)
If you are not “casting your bread upon the waters” it is a
good time to start. But, we must do so willingly, not
expecting anything in return. However, the promise of God is
that we will be taken care of when the need arises “for he
is faithful that promised” (Hebrews 10:23)