Thoughts on Amos 4:11 |
Phillip N. Conley |
Amos 4:11, "I have overthrown some of you, as God
overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah, and ye were as a firebrand
plucked out of the burning: yet have ye not returned unto
me, saith the LORD."
morning, professing Christians ignore two important
Scriptural tenets: salvation by grace alone and the
importance of organized, public, and truth-centered worship.
Of course, without being grounded in the first, we cannot
hope to worship God in a truth-centered way, thereby failing
the second. However, before attempting to look at both of
these concepts from our study verse above, consider another
often over-looked or ignored principle from Scripture: a man
is known by the company he keeps. (I Corinthians 5:11) Too
many times, people today are blinded by the prideful
mindset, "It doesn't matter who I hang around. I'll be a
good influence on them, not vice versa." Like the old
analogy of a rotten apple spoiling the barrel, so our
associations and close fellowships can ruin us if we
associate with "rotten apples." Therefore, let us examine
the concepts of salvation by grace and truth-centered
worship from the viewpoint of our company and fellowship.
The book of Amos is quite a sorrowful book, as the Lord
takes a simple herdsman - Amos - to prophecy Israel's
impending captivity. Some of the prophecies are quite
severe, such as a famine of God's word without the
interaction of fellowship with Him. (Amos 8:11-14) However,
even in books that freely speak of God's judgment against
His people (such as Amos or Jeremiah), we still see - as
light peeking through the dark canvas - thoughts that show
God's overarching love for His people regardless of their
circumstance. (Jeremiah 31:3) In our verse, Amos employs a
term "firebrand plucked out of the burning" to
describe God's mercy for His people even in the midst of
previous chastisements. (Verses 7-10)
term "firebrand plucked out of the burning" could be
adequately stated "poker pulled from the embers and coals."
God describes Israel's deplorable condition as a poker
engulfed in flame with no hope of being rescued from the
fire, save by the arm of God to pull them from that state.
What is the condition of an object engulfed in flame? The
heat, temperature, and other immediate circumstances are the
same for the object as everything else in the flame. In
other words, the brand in the fire shares the same identical
circumstances as all other things in the fire. We, by
nature, share the same identical condition and circumstance
as a child of wrath. (Ephesians 2:3) Thankfully, we, like
the analogy of Israel of old, were plucked from that state
by God. He did for us what we could not do for ourselves.
Notice that the condition of the brand in the fire fits the
analogy of a man being known by his company. By nature, we
shared the company of all wretched, dire sinners, for we
share that company and relation in Adam with everyone else.
By simply being the offspring of Adam, we are known by that
company and relationship to be sinners - both by inherent
nature and eventually by observed practice. However, what
happens when a firebrand is plucked out of the burning? It
no longer shares the same heat, temperature, and other
circumstances as the rest of the fire. Parts of the brand
that were red-hot moments before begin to cool and take on
the immediate properties of its new surroundings. So, when
God plucked us out of the burning, we ceased to have the
condition and circumstance of damnable depravity, but
rather, we took on the properties of the new surroundings of
God's rich grace. By taking away the burning of death and
depravity, God wrote upon our hearts the burning of His laws
and precepts. (Jeremiah 31, Hebrews 8)
Notice from our last sentence that we employed the word
"burning" to show our new state by God's grace.
Scripturally, I believe it fitting to employ the thought
that what God has done for us by His grace equates to a
state known by circumstances though vastly different
circumstances than our previous state. Paul employed the
terms "captivity" and "captive" when describing God rescuing
us. (Ephesians 4:8) We were once held in the captivity and
burning of sin. God led us from that captivity, and holds us
captive in the burning of His love. Whereas captive,
overwhelmed, and engulfed, the fire of sin and death, now we
are captive, overwhelmed, and engulfed in the fire of God's
love. How long will something in the fire keep the heat of
the fire? The amount of time that the heat and other
fire-driven properties remains on the object is dependent on
the amount of time it remains in the fire.
nature, we should have remained in the fire of sin forever,
thereby experiencing its properties and consequences for as
long as that fire burned. By grace, we do experience the
fire of God's love forever, thereby eventually rejoicing in
its fulness world without end. One might now inquire, "So
what does any of this have to do with organized, public
worship of God in spirit and in truth?" The last phrase of
the study verse shows, by the mouth of Amos, that despite
God's marvelous mercy to pull them from the fire, they had
not shown or returned the same "in kind." While their lack
of respect for God did not change their position that He had
placed them in, their condition was eventually going to
greatly suffer (captivity) for not returning unto God.
Notice that Amos says "returned" showing that even though
God has plucked us by His grace we have labour to put forth
serving Him. By putting forth the labour, we have the rich
treasure here in this life to enjoy the "grace fire" with
temporal blessings and enjoyments with other "firebrands"
that have been plucked from the fire of depravity. Going
back to Ephesians 4:8, God did not just lead us captive by
His love and grace away from the fire of sin and hell.
Rather, He also laid rich gifts and treasures in men to
expound upon this grace as a comfort to the church here in
this life. God gave these gifts specifically to build up and
edify the church while we sojourn and traverse through this
world. In this sense, we enjoy the "earnest of our
inheritance" (Ephesians 1:13-14), thereby experiencing some
of the enjoyment of overwhelming and engulfing fire from the
power of God.
Again, being known by the company that we keep, we might
associate with the firebrands of sin in this world, thereby
experiencing the evils of the fire of sin. No, we will not
throw ourselves back into the eternal misery that we have
been plucked from, but we might experience quite a lot of
heartache, death, and pain from that multitude of sins.
(James 5:19-20) Or we might be known from the company of
other firebrands that attempt to enter into the embers of
"grace fire" as it descends from heaven during meeting times
within the pavilions of God's church. By worshipping Him
according to His precepts and dictates (John 4:24), we
experience that fire of assurance and peace that we are His
and someday will see Him face to face.
As with the previous analogies, the effects and properties
of the fire will only last dependent on the time in the
fire. Our first state in the fire of sin in Adam would have
been forever for us, but not for the grace of God. Our
current state in the fire of grace is forever by the eternal
work of God of salvation to us. However, the properties of
life's daily "sin fires" and "grace fires" are dependent on
the time we spend in them. While removing ourselves from the
"sin fires" of daily life will begin the process of cooling
from them, we may experience a period of heat from our time
in that lifestyle and company. So, likewise, we may enjoy
and remember some of the heat from God's spiritual service
in His church after we have ceased attending, but that will
eventually cool without some re-entering the blaze with the
other firebrand.
How much stock do we put in ourselves to "influence others?"
No matter how cool the firebrand is before going into the
fire, it will heat up. Knowing that we are influenced by
others (probably more than we would like to admit), may our
walk seek to enter the fires of spirit and truth with those
that seek the Lord in that manner. May our steps flee from
those fires of idolatry, adultery, heresy, envying, strife,
and all other works of the flesh. Certainly, God has plucked
us from our captivity of sin and death to rest in the
captivity of His love. Still, like Israel of old, we can
fail to return to Him, thereby experiencing the captivities
of Assyria or Babylon. May we return to Him and continually
enjoy the blessed warmth of the fires of Canaan's Land that
are lit from the eternal fire of grace from heaven's pure