My Two Cents Worth
March 7, 2014 |
Robert Willis (dec) |
Wonderful Adoption!
Ephesians 1:5, “Having predestinated us unto the adoption
of children by Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the
good pleasure of His will.”
One cannot imagine the inner feelings of an orphaned child
unless they themselves have actually been such. I know that
I can not grasp the true seriousness of the situation, not
ever having to face it in reality. However, I do know the
feeling of not being loved. It is a gut wrenching, heart
breaking situation. There are thousands, possibly millions
of children that face its realities each and every day.
Being an orphan, one without parents, is like being totally
alone, even though there may be others around. When we, as
God’s children, were in the state of being alone in our own
sins and mired in a condition called “Total Depravity,” we
were as an orphan with no home. Wretched, vain, sinful
creatures we were; needing a Saviour to save us from
ourselves and the penalty of sin. Not having any parents to
look after us, we were in a desolate condition. Ephesians
2:1 says, “And you hath he quickened, who were dead in
trespasses and sins;..” In time past when we were
walking in disobedience, we were as orphaned children.
In biblical times, adoption was much different than now. It
was common practice in countries which did practice
adoption, for children and even adults to be adopted as a
form of slavery in order to add workers to support the
family. Also, it would provide a child to a childless couple
and to assist them in their old age with the promise of a
portion of their estate. We find that Moses was adopted by
Pharaoh’s daughter in Exodus 2:10 and received all of the
privileges and duties as if he was a biological son. Then,
in Esther 2:7,15, we find that Esther was adopted by her
uncle Mordecai after her parents had died. Likewise, in
times of Christ during Roman rule, adoption was used more as
a benefit for the one doing the adopting rather than the one
being adopted. Adoption became increasingly difficult after
the fall of the Roman Empire. Many children died due to the
lack of parents or guardians to take care of them. But, for
the children of God, we find Paul’s writing In Ephesians 1:5
saying we were predestinated “...unto the adoption of
children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good
pleasure of his will...” Adoption was accomplished by
Christ to bring us (those given to him by the Father)
legally into His family.
We find the Apostle Paul expressing the predetermined will
of God towards His children in Galatians 4:vs 4 and vs 5,
“But when the fullness of time was come, God sent forth His
Son, made of a woman, made under the law, to redeem them
that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption
of sons.” To be legally adopted by Christ, it took
Him paying the price by His shed blood on the cross of
Calvary. We were “born again” by the spirit of an all wise,
all loving God who loved us with an ever lasting love. Due
to our sinful condition we were deserving of the wrath of
God, but, instead we “...received the Spirit of adoption,
whereby we cry, Abba, Father." (Romans 8:15)
Christ, in paying our sin debt on Calvary, literally and
legally adopted us into the family of God.
Prior to receiving the Spirit of Adoption, we only had one
nature, usually referred to as our sin or fleshly nature.
However, when we are blessed to experience the New Birth, we
then have the addition of a Spiritual Nature, which leads to
a warfare within us as long as we live on this earth. At the
time of the grand Resurrection, our spirits will return with
Christ, united with our earthly bodies, and be changed. We
will then bare the image of Jesus Christ our Lord, and our
full adoption of body, soul, and spirit will be realized
when we are taken to live in Eternity, singing praises
around the throne of God.
How glorious Paradise will be for the children of God.
However, we are still on this sin cursed earth which makes
us to mourn and groan from the depth of our souls as we
witness with what Paul said in Romans 8:23, “even we
ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption,
to wit, the redemption of our body.” Until that time, we
find ourselves saying, “Come quickly” Lord Jesus... “Come