For Now We See
Through a Glass Darkly |
George D. Walker (dec) |
As we begin to look at these
words of the Apostle Paul, we begin to wonder what the
apostle meant by seeing through a glass darkly. I think that
it is good sometime to consider what Paul did not say. He
did not say that we couldn’t see through a glass darkly.
In 1st Corinthians chapter 13:9 through 12, he says; For we
know in part, and we prophesy in part, but when that which
is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done
away. When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood
as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish
things. For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then
face-to-face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even
as I am known.
The thought is that the love of God never faileth, and that
we are able to perceive, and to understand this in part. We
can see and understand this in part because we can see
through a glass darkly. It does not say that we see a glass
darkly, but rather that we can see through a glass darkly.
This is telling us that we are able to see from here, all
the way into eternity dimly by an eye of faith. The Apostle
in verse 13 says; and now abideth faith, hope, charity,
these three, but the greatest of these is charity.
We read in 1st John chapter 3:1,and 2; Behold what manner of
love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be
called the Son of God. It seems as if John could not
comprehend of how great the love of God is in our lives,
just to understand that we are the Sons of God. That is, God
has testified to our hearts and souls that we are a child of
grace. He goes on in verse 2 and says; Beloved, now we are
the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall
be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like
him; for we shall see him as he is. Oh! I wish that I had
the ability to explain this text of scripture to its
I cannot tell you of all the
details of what heaven is going to be like, but we are able
to see through a glass darkly, we are able to see that
heaven is a place to be desired. It is a place that God has
prepared from the foundation of the world to house all the
children of God. It will be a place of Perfection, a place
of Holiness, a consecrated place that God has prepared for
all those that love him. It is going to be a place where sin
cannot enter, but a place where sinners will dwell in
Holiness, as without sin forever and forever. It is a place
reserved for us by God, for all of those whom Christ
justified when he hung there on the cross.
We do not know what we are going to be like, but we know
that we are going to be like him. We are going to be
changed; we are going to go from sin to Holiness. Job says
that all his appointed days, I will wait till my change
come, because he knows that his Redeemer Liveth. Sometimes
we look at death in the wrong light. We think of the grave
as a cold dark place, when we should be thinking that the
grave is just a place where the body will await until Christ
comes again with his Holy angels to redeem our bodies from
the tomb. Paul says that the time of my departure is at
hand. The word departure carries the thought as if there is
a ship in the harbour with its anchors holding it fast. Then
the anchors are raised and the ship sails out to a different
location. When death comes, the anchors are raised and we
will change locations. Our decaying bodies will be changed
into everlasting bodies, and our location changed to an
everlasting location, and we shall be like Jesus Christ.
Oh! How happy we ought to be that we are able to see through
a glass darkly, but then face to face. For now we know in
part, but then shall we know, even as we are known. I think
I can understand what the song-writer was seeing when he
wrote the song; What a day that will be, when my Jesus I
shall see, and I look upon his face, the one who saved me by
his grace. When he takes me by the hand, and leads me
through the promise land. What a day, glorious day that will