Woe is Me |
Mark D. Rowell |
From The Banner of Love
March, 1999
I trust
we are all familiar with the theme/thoughts brought to mind
when we read the writings of Isaiah in the 6th chapter of
his prophecy – especially the first few verses. Isaiah was
blessed to see “...The Lord sitting upon a throne, high
and lifted up.” with His glory filling the temple. He
then saw the seraphims which cried “Holy, holy, holy is
the Lord of hosts...” What a glorious vision! Oh that
time and space would allow us to go over the wonderful
truths that are presented to us in the first four verses of
Isaiah, chapter 6. But our mind is drawn to a profound
statement uttered by Isaiah based on his understanding of
what he saw.
Verse 5,
“Then said I, Woe is me! For I am undone; because I am a
man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of
unclean lips; for mine eyes have seen the King, the Lord of
Now some
might say that this is a strange reaction to this vision.
Some may even say that great joy should have befallen Isaiah
since he was blessed to see the Lord as he did. I believe
that Isaiah experienced the joy, but only after some things
were revealed to him. Although we sometimes fall into the
snare of crying, “Woe is me!” when troubles assail us, this
was not the case of the lamentation of Isaiah. At this time,
he was not overwhelmed by his tribulation. He was not cast
down because of his walks through the valleys He was not
disheartened by his Physical frailties. Rather, he was
engulfed in the revelation of his depravity. Isaiah was made
to realize the depths of his depraved nature in the presence
of an August and Thrice Holy God.
cannot begin to understand the depths of our depravity until
the Lord reveals Himself to us. There was once a man by the
name of Saul who was "...breathing out threatenings and
slaughter against the disciples of the Lord." In his own
mind, he was perfect and upright, swallowed up in his
pharisaical 'religious' ways.
But this man Saul [who became known as the Apostle Paul]
spoke of the experience on the Damascus road to King
Agrippa; "At midnight. 0 King, I saw in the way a light
from heaven, above the brightness of the sun, shining round
about me..." Paul saw a light so bright that it brought
him to his knees and even blinded him for three days! The
light he saw was the Lord! As Saul asked, "Who art thou
Lord?', the reply came, "I am Jesus whom thou
persecuted." Now how/ many of us can say we've seen a
light that brought us to our knees and blinded us like Paul?
Paul writes of the experience and what was revealed to him
in Romans chapter 7, "For I was alive without the law
once; but when the commandment came, Sin Revived, and I
died." Paul is saying the sight of his Saviour and being
in the presence of the glory of the Lord caused him to
realize that he was not perfect but rather undone, as
Isaiah, and in need of a Saviour. If you will, Saul had his
sins brought right up before his face when he found himself
in the presence of the Glorified Saviour!We must certainly
already be born of the Spirit of God before we can realize
our depravity, but above, and beyond this. we must have
revelation - like that of Isaiah and Saul of Tarsus - of the
awesome glory of God. We, like they, must be made to fall
down from our pride and in the dust of humility, declare
that God is "holy, holy, holy" and we are vile wretched
As it
was for Isaiah and Saul. it is by the grace of God that we
are humbled to see our depraved state. But as harsh and
traumatic an experience as that is - and surely it was for
Isaiah and Saul - it is only when we are brought to this
most abject state, that we can see that God's grace, through
the redemptive work of Jesus Christ. has delivered us from
our sins.
wrote, "Oh wretched man that I am! Who shall deliver me from
the body of this death? Paul realized that he was
carnal...sold under sin." But Paul answered his own question
with, "I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord." Isaiah
also saw this deliverance. When one of the seraphims took a
live coal and laid it on Isaiah's mouth, the seraphim said,
"Thine iniquity is taken away, and thy sin purged."
The Lord then asked, 'Whom shall I send." And the same man
that cried, “Woe is Me," then says "Here am I; send me!"
though Isaiah was made to realize his fallen nature he was
also made to realize that he had a redeemer, he had a
Saviour, he had a deliverer! You see, even though we are
fallen by nature, we have a redeemer, a Saviour, a
deliverer! We are risen with Him in the Covenant of Grace.
We rose with Him when He arose from the grave. We rise with
Him in the new birth. And some sweet day, we'll rise from
the grave by His power and dwell with Him for eternity,
beholding His glory in perfection, absent from depravity,
and instead of crying, 'Woe is me, for I am a man of
unclean lips!" we will sing with joy, "Holy, holy,