Tithes and Tithing |
Hulan Bass |
We all need more income, including Our Church. Have you ever
noticed how your expenses rise to meet your income, no
matter how much it is?
How do we finance the needs of Our New Testament Church? By
Tax, Tithe or Voluntary Giving? What method will work? The
only point to really consider is WHAT DOES THE BIBLE TEACH?
In the Old Testament it was a Tax in Civil Governments, and
a Tithe in Religion. The Old Testament Economy of Moses,
under the Levitical Rule was a TITHE - One-Tenth of Gross
Income - Laws of First-Fruits.
In the
New Testament it is VOLUNTARY GIVING - ONLY! This "Voluntary
System" has been successful since the days of The Apostles.
Tithing in the Old Testament was REQUIRED by Law - Lev.
27:30-33; Num. 18:20-29; Deut. 12:5-29. Even such was
practiced by Abraham before Moses' Laws.
In The
New Testament Church, SUPPORT of The Church and Ministry is
also REQUIRED, but Tithing is not the Scriptural Procedure.
Giving from the heart and as God hath prospered you is the
correct New Testament Procedure - 1st Cor. 16:2; 2nd Cor.
9:7. Notice that GIVING is not assessing, taxing,
stipulating, pre-agreeing, pre-arranging, paying dues,
pledging or vowing, as the Old Testament Tithe required,
which was mathematical, but not so in the New Testament
Church. The Old Testament Levitical Law is no longer valid
or in effect, but has expired - Luke 16:16; Heb. 7:5, 12,
We find in the New Testament Church, "GIVING" - Luke 21:1-4
- she gave ALL SHE HAD which was 100%; Acts 11:29 - Every
man according to his ability; 1st Cor. 16:2 - As God hath
prospered him; 2nd Cor. 9:7 – According as he purposeth in
his heart, giving cheerfully. We observe not one word nor
implication for an assessment of 10 % - Tithe –
I quote from Cruden's Complete Concordance under "Tithe" –
"The practice of paying tithes is very ancient; for we
find, Gen. 14:20, that Abraham gave tithes to Melchizedek,
king of Salem, at his return from his expedition against
Chedorlaomer, and the four kings in confederacy with him.
Abraham gave him the tithe of all the booty taken from the
enemy. Jacob imitated this piety of his grandfather when he
vowed to the Lord the tithe of all the substance he might
acquire in Mesopotamia, Gen. 28:22. Under the law, Moses
ordained, Lev. 27:30-32, All the tithe of the land, whether
of the seed of the land, or of the fruit of the tree, is the
Lord's; it is holy unto the Lord, etc." A TITHE can only be
10% and NOT more than 10%. "There were all sorts of tithes
to be paid from the people (besides those from the Levites
to the priests), Num. 28:26-27, etc. (1). To the Levites,
for their maintenance, Num. 18:21, 24. (2). For the Lord's
feasts and sacrifices, to be eaten (in the place which the
Lord should choose to put his name there; to wit, where the
ark should be, the tabernacle or temple. This tenth part was
either sent to Jerusalem in kind, or, if it was money, which
was to be laid out for oxen, sheep, wine, or what else they
pleased, Deut. 14:22-24 etc. (3). Besides these two, there
was to be, every third year, a tithe for the poor, to be
eaten in their own dwellings, Deut. 14:28-29." "In the New
Testament, neither our Saviour, nor his apostles have
commanded any thing in this affair of tithes." [End
Jesus Christ has MADE NO COMMANDMENT in The New Testament
Church concerning tithing. His Apostles did not preach such
either. I must observe that if this Tithing Issue was such a
very important aspect of the Practice of the New Testament
Church, then why is the Head of the Church and the initial
members therein, being the Apostles, as silent as the tomb
concerning such?
There are Seven (7) Scriptures in the New Testament that
mentions "Tithing," but four (4) of these refer to the Old
Testament Tithing pertaining to Abraham, then Moses'
Levitical Laws. In the other three (3) they refer to Jesus
saying "Woe unto Scribes, Pharisees and Hypocrites..."
Check them out - Matt. 23:23; Luke 11:42; 18:12; Heb. 7:5-6,
Not a single one of these texts teach, suggest, or even
imply that TITHING is to be done as the New Testament
Procedure of Church Financing, and of the Ministry. I will
elaborate on one of these verses. Matt. 23:23 -
"Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites ! for ye
pay tithe of mint and anise and cummin, and have omitted the
weightier matters of the law, judgment, mercy, and faith:
these ought ye to have done, and not to leave the other
The word "these" is a neutral pronoun modifying the paying
of tithes - "...these ought ye to HAVE DONE, and not to
leave the other undone." What is the "other" that is left
undone ? Answer: The weightier matters they are omitting...
Jesus said this to the Multitudes and His Disciples.: First,
the things you are NOW doing, you should HAVE DONE, back
under Moses' Laws, but NOT NOW - - Since I have come to set
up the New Testament Church under the "Grace Dispensation" -
John 1:17; Eph. 3:2. Second, the things you are NOT doing
CHRIST and the LAW OF MOSES, should be put in their
respective proper places. Study: Acts 15:19-21; 18:13;
Gal. 5:1-6; 6:2; Heb. 9:6-14.
Jesus' conclusion is they are NOW trying to live according
to the Old Testament Laws of Moses in paying Tithes. You
should (past-tense) HAVE ALREADY DONE THIS, but NOT NOW. You
are omitting and failing NOW to do the things of the New
Testament Church of Jesus Christ, which pertain to the LAW
CHRIST. These are much more valuable and WEIGHTIER than
Moses' Laws. Any pre-arrangments, stipulations,
salaries, tithes, etc., are, in principle, "making
merchandise of The Gospel..." The 10th Mark of Identity of
The New Testament Church is "NO HIRELINGS" - Zech. 11:17;
John 10:12-13; 1st Tim. 3:3. Historically, Tithing during
The New Testament Church Age started in the 6th Century A.D.
It was unknown in the Apostolic Church during these first
centuries, and is still unknown and not practiced in The Old
Line, Old School, Primitive Baptist Churches.
If any "church group" desires to tithe, then they have that
civil right to do so, but not scripturally; therefore they
should NOT wear the name of PRIMITIVE BAPTIST, because
tithing violates one of the vital marks of identity of the
New Testament Church of the Lord Jesus Christ.
A final historical statement of fact is - The custom of
tithing did not originate with the Mosaic Law (Gen.
14:17-20), nor was it peculiar to the Hebrews. it was
practiced among other ancient peoples also.