Jesus Christ, King of Kings, Lord of Lords, and Righteous Man!


Elder John (Pat) Young - Editor

As we examine our thoughts, about our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, we know Him as Emanuel, God with us, the only begotten of the Father, the King of Peace, the only Saviour of God's chosen people; and many other righteous titles we could hold up for His righteousness as King of Heaven and Earth! However there is one title we should recognize, and what it should be recognized for; it is that our Lord and King walked upon the Earth, among His people and taught them the virtues of being good people.

Our Lord, even though He was the Son of God, was also a righteous man, Who was sent into the world by God: Rom. 8:3 “God sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh: That the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh; but after the Spirit.” To say He was sent in the likeness of the sinful flesh which afflicted all God's chosen people: But remember, He was in the likeness of their sinful flesh, but not in sinful flesh (because the first attribute of sinful flesh, is that it has a sinful and fallen nature; of which our Lord was not guilty). He was the only begotten of the Father, Who was sent into the world, a Saviour and King, who for thirty-three and a half years would hold up for all the world to see, what a “Righteous Man” must be.

The Lord walked with men, and by such, taught them of His office, His teaching and preaching the Kingdom of God, which through Him, is now in the world: He taught them not just how to be good according to the Law; but more so, how to walk obediently and uprightly before God and men as the children of the Righteous and Holy God. We see in Scripture how these things be so, and how our Lord was indeed without sin; but how does that help us? It is our help to find good in Him, and it shows us how we should labour in the Scriptures endeavoring to shew ourselves approved unto God. (2Tim. 2:15) endeavoring to find out the many ways our Lord walked and laboured before us; that we might learn His more perfect way to obedience to God and truth.

Should we not all see, as believers in the Lord Jesus; how as He was taught of the Father, all that He must do to fulfill His Sovereign Will; and hear the words proclaimed from heaven; “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” Should we not desire to be faithful like our Lord was in His earthly walk; endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit of peace and love, by ministering to the cares of those we love in the Lord, that we, in our own obedience to the will of Him Who called us into His Kingdom; and not only in our dedications and service in His Church, but also in our everyday walk among His children everywhere we go; that as followers of Him we might: “Let our light so shine before men, that they may see the works and glorify our Father which is in heaven.” Matt. 5:16 In so doing, we would learn how Christ is the true light, and how if we magnify Him and walk in His ways, that all who see our walk might know, that we walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit, and teachings of Him who called us into His Kingdom, to follow Him in the good way, that as He was not just a “good man,” but a righteous one, and our glorious Lord, who leads us by His Holy Comforter, in the way of truth each day of our lives, to be faithful servants, and good people while we live the lives He has blessed us with here among His saints, do through the Spirit, mortify the deeds of the body (sow to the Spirit) we shall reap the joys of life everlasting. In his epistles Paul spoke much to children of God, so he was instructing them as to how they, being children of God, might be happier and more content and more fruitful in their service to God.